Sunday, February 25, 2007

Wanted - travel partner

This morning I got up convincing myself I was on vacation as the sun was streaming in through the windows with the million dollar view, made myself an omelet, leisurely pursued the Sunday paper, the evening entertainment includes a same gender date at the movies. Within an hour reality was back in place including a hormonally induced headache (one of the joys of my current developmental stage) and several annoying phone calls.

Well now, don’t ask me how much scrap booking I got done yesterday because… apparently because I was making fun of the ‘testosterone’ thing - the karma was affected. When I got out to Sobeys Community Room, dragged my suitcase full of 60 lb. of supplies out of the car, across the parking lot and up the stairs, I found Izetta, her preschool granddaughter and employee who manages the room looking at me with surprise because…it was the kids scrap booking workshop for those under 10. Apparently when I skimmed the email I wasn’t careful with the dates. Izetta suggested I stay but I already felt juvenile enough so I decided I’d pick up my order - not to be, she’d lugged it around with her for weeks (without me appearing) and finally taken it out of the bag. She suggested (since I stated I was coming on Tuesday night) that I leave my supplies as the room is secured and it would mean I would have to come to retrieve it. Now that was something I could opt for as the prospect of another two way trip for the supplies wasn’t on my priority list. It had seemed too good to be true (because it wasn’t) that the session would match with when I could actually plan for, attend and not rush off from something I enjoyed.

While I was not scrap booking the life partner was attending the Fisheries Show in Yarmouth and talking business as he is being courted by Mustad to trial an automatic baiter due to his sizable haddock quota for Georges Bank. This resulted in the review of Norweigan DVDs after supper on the subject - riveting at least for himself - and the adrenalin rush type response with dilated pupils, far away gaze, and fidgeting as he engaged in the ‘next big project’ scheming. If a go, this will likely be combined and run concurrently with the ‘enlarging the boat project’ as he never does things by halves. I have said in the past that I am married to the Martin Luther King of NW Harbour as he has ‘a dream, a dream that one day…’ (insert dream project here) which usually takes twice as long and costs twice as much as he estimates. Or it will cost too much to hire out a project which he feels he can do either cheaper, better or both - this usually results in 12 - 16 hour days for extended periods. There are too many of these since 1982 to count. The price of being involved with a man ahead of his time. The discouraging point was actually reached on Friday when he mentioned that he told the captain taking the boat that he “had to be sure of the captain’s intentions about length of service before putting the vessel in the boat shop”. When I clarified did he mean he was having it contracted or doing the work himself, he admitted he was just generalizing for the guy and planned to start himself next week. Anything more than a one day urgent trip away for supplies will be out of the question with this time table as completion before spring lobstering will dictate - no vacation for him.

However, that is not the situation I find myself in so I am actively seeking a travel partner. Most of my friends either have family responsibilities, no money (or both) or other plans. I’m going to keep looking because my horoscope today reads:

Friendship fulfills your fantasies. Every person you meet might not be ready to take a cruise to an exotic island, but at least one acquaintance is willing to be a real friend in a pinch.

Not superstitious but that one fits really well with the plans for sure! As the publishing workshop I attended last week stated - you don't need 27 publishers, you just need one.