Well an embarrassment of cruises at least. Be careful what you wish for. Today there was a call from the entertainment manager saying that she’d not received my acceptance of the offer. I sent my message again and received an email saying my reply was blank so I called and left a message saying “call me on my cell anytime, there’s a problem with your email and I promise I am going to be on that ship when it heads towards Norway” When she called me this afternoon we worked out that I am definitely accepting and that it was just technical difficulties.
Then she says “oh I had a message from Princess cruises saying you’d been accepted for the Maritimes/New England cruise in October are you still interested in that?” After assuring her I most certainly am, the planning for that venue began. And of course the need to do at least 3 or 4 destination presentations for mid-October. I feel like I’ve handed in outlines for term papers, which I haven’t done yet and they’re due shortly. It will be interesting to see which ones they’ve chosen – won’t matter I don’t have any destination presentations in the can and the special interest ones for Norway take precedence at this point. As the travel partner said this evening “how’s your homework coming?”
The issue is that the shore captain will be stretching things to have over two weeks away from the business in peak fishing season to begin with. In addition we’ve made plans to head to Calgary using all our available air miles to visit with daughter #1 from Sept 25 – Oct 5, taking in the Sheryl Crowe concert, celebrating our birthdays, visiting the Calgary Zoo as well as heading up to Prince Albert to visit displaced Nova Scotians while delivering them pepperoni and celebrating another birthday and new job there. This means I will be home and have one week to work before heading off on the Thanksgiving weekend to Quebec City to begin the Classic New England and Maritimes cruise on the Sea Princess. Here’s some info to check out:
Then she says “oh I had a message from Princess cruises saying you’d been accepted for the Maritimes/New England cruise in October are you still interested in that?” After assuring her I most certainly am, the planning for that venue began. And of course the need to do at least 3 or 4 destination presentations for mid-October. I feel like I’ve handed in outlines for term papers, which I haven’t done yet and they’re due shortly. It will be interesting to see which ones they’ve chosen – won’t matter I don’t have any destination presentations in the can and the special interest ones for Norway take precedence at this point. As the travel partner said this evening “how’s your homework coming?”
The issue is that the shore captain will be stretching things to have over two weeks away from the business in peak fishing season to begin with. In addition we’ve made plans to head to Calgary using all our available air miles to visit with daughter #1 from Sept 25 – Oct 5, taking in the Sheryl Crowe concert, celebrating our birthdays, visiting the Calgary Zoo as well as heading up to Prince Albert to visit displaced Nova Scotians while delivering them pepperoni and celebrating another birthday and new job there. This means I will be home and have one week to work before heading off on the Thanksgiving weekend to Quebec City to begin the Classic New England and Maritimes cruise on the Sea Princess. Here’s some info to check out:
Day 1
Quebec City, Quebec
12:00 AM
Day 2
Quebec City, Quebec
5:00 PM
Day 3
At Sea
Day 4
Charlottetown, Canada
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 5
Sydney, Nova Scotia
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 6
Halifax, Nova Scotia
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 7
Saint John, New Brunswick
12:00 PM
7:30 PM
Day 8
Portland, Maine
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Day 9
Boston, Massachusetts
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 10
Newport, Rhode Island
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
Day 11
New York City (Manhattan or Brooklyn), New York
7:15 AM
I’ve asked a travel partner to accompany and the wait list is already extensive so no emails please. Just kidding. It will still be a nice trip although not as exotic as Scandinavia the man says so he will not be offended and he’s already making hunting plans and will be getting ready for lobstering. Both my work teammates who will cover for me said, “I hate you” as I was reviewing my vacation schedule of five weeks vacation within three months.
The man, me, son and girlfriend watched the marketing DVD from Princess this evening while finishing off the second bottle of champagne and the Bucket List is growing. Panama Canal, South America, and Tahiti, Australia I could go on. Did you know you could do a 103-day (I think it was) world tour? When I told mister that I’d settled the $780 invoice online this afternoon meaning we’re going for sure his eyes lit up. The last details are what tour/hotel we’d like to book in Iceland on our stopover, as that needs to be done with the flight booking and apparently the decisions are endless. I’m guessing the man will be a bigger fan of the geyser and glacier tour than swimming in the Blue Lagoon but who am I to know? That discussion is for tomorrow.
Tomorrow afternoon I’m off to a funeral for a friend’s mother. She lived a long, full life and managed it her way, that we could all be that fortunate to still have our faculties until the end.
Day 1
Quebec City, Quebec
12:00 AM
Day 2
Quebec City, Quebec
5:00 PM
Day 3

At Sea
Day 4
Charlottetown, Canada
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 5
Sydney, Nova Scotia
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 6
Halifax, Nova Scotia
8:00 AM
5:00 PM

Day 7
Saint John, New Brunswick
12:00 PM
7:30 PM
Day 8
Portland, Maine
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
Day 9
Boston, Massachusetts
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Day 10
Newport, Rhode Island
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
Day 11
New York City (Manhattan or Brooklyn), New York
7:15 AM
I’ve asked a travel partner to accompany and the wait list is already extensive so no emails please. Just kidding. It will still be a nice trip although not as exotic as Scandinavia the man says so he will not be offended and he’s already making hunting plans and will be getting ready for lobstering. Both my work teammates who will cover for me said, “I hate you” as I was reviewing my vacation schedule of five weeks vacation within three months.
The man, me, son and girlfriend watched the marketing DVD from Princess this evening while finishing off the second bottle of champagne and the Bucket List is growing. Panama Canal, South America, and Tahiti, Australia I could go on. Did you know you could do a 103-day (I think it was) world tour? When I told mister that I’d settled the $780 invoice online this afternoon meaning we’re going for sure his eyes lit up. The last details are what tour/hotel we’d like to book in Iceland on our stopover, as that needs to be done with the flight booking and apparently the decisions are endless. I’m guessing the man will be a bigger fan of the geyser and glacier tour than swimming in the Blue Lagoon but who am I to know? That discussion is for tomorrow.
Tomorrow afternoon I’m off to a funeral for a friend’s mother. She lived a long, full life and managed it her way, that we could all be that fortunate to still have our faculties until the end.