Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy 141st birthday Canada

Today feels like a weekend but it’s Canada’s birthday although I’m not sure if there will be any fireworks as the fog has come back in pretty thick again. At least this is making a four-day week but I’m not complaining as being off is being off!

Despite the fact my day began as I was awoken by the insistent ringing of a cell phone (not mine) at 6:15 a.m. and the subsequent shouted conversation with a boat captain who was landing shortly at the wharf – it was still a day off. Apparently the self-employed life partner had ‘forgotten’ I didn’t have to go in to work. And a good thing I was around too as it shortly turned out that I had to drive him back over to the car pool parking lot to pick up his truck before the boat arrived. He’d been in such a mad dash to get home after accompanying me under protest to a reading/art show last evening that he drove right by his own vehicle on the way home. By the time I made it back home I was wide-awake – so much for sleeping in – and got a start on being Molly Maid.

The fog actually cleared by noon and the sun appeared for the first time in a week so I headed out with my presentations to work on while lying on the deck and managed to fall asleep thanks to my maritally induced sleep deprivation. Good thing the deer flies woke me up before I got too crispy. Just in time to go searching for Keely who had absconded and was off visiting the summer neighbours dog next door.

I’ve found some good links to info on the Blue Zone, which is about the pockets of centenarians in various places in the world. I’m integrating that with my local info and photos and researching some Norway connections. I’ve still got quite a bit to do on the marine portion but I do have the lobstering one put together. So I am slowly gaining but of course gainful employment will cut into my research time tomorrow. What can you do if you’re not retired?