The afternoon consisted of a futile attempt for daughter # 1 to try to vote - why would the government make it so difficult to exercise your civic right? She has to prove that she's lived in NS so can't change her drivers license until she votes and has to have her room mate write a letter saying she actually lives in Alberta now. So this will require another trip to the elections office. With the low voter turnout you would assume that every effort be made to enable people to vote. The one positive in all this is that we found a great hunting supply store along the way with items for sale such as t-shirts which read "A woman's place is in the woods" and "This babe shoots bucks" Doesn't get any better than that.
A trip to the All-You-Can-Eat Sushi bar followed and we ate to show a profit. Who would think that Red Deer would have the best sushi you've ever tasted? We're still so stuffed we can hardly move. And that's after a trip to the tea store for some specialty teas and souvenirs as well.
This evening I made a cranberry pudding and we took it over to neighbours from home who are living here in Red Deer and had a little visit. They're planning a NS wedding next summer so we'll be seeing them then. So, now we're all packed, checked in and ready to go for the morning. Back to the land of work for at least another five days.