I stopped for groceries on the way home and arrived to supper ready to serve - chili and herb bread courtesy of the soon to be teacher daughter. There had been talk of seeing the newest James Bond movie Quantom of Solace so a return trip back to town to take that in. There is no way an evening spent looking at Daniel Craig could ever be bad and Judi Dench continues as an amazing M so it makes for a movie your husband will even attend with you and I give it two thumbs up.
Saturday was spent getting the house in order and cooking so between the older of the two daughters and myself we managed to produce gumdrop cake, cranberry pudding, RCMP squares and apple pie. Then getting the tree decorated which involved the shore captain splicing two sets of lights together in a scene reminiscent of Clark Griswold ensuring I was able to put the final ornaments on the beautiful 10 ft. fir as the guests arrived for supper. We did the holiday supper for mister's side of the family and fed about 25 souls including the newest member (great niece) of 10 months. Had a nice phone visit with the 'away daughter' so she got to catch up with everyone.
The final week of work included a two day planning meeting and since I offered to scout and arrange locations here is a photo of the Guest-Lovitt House B&B in Yarmouth where we convened. The website to check it out is: http://www.guestlovitt.ca/
As I started out on the 103 I noticed a car pulled over on the opposite side of the road and a man standing on my side of the road in a mustard color coat and hat with ear flaps attempting to flag someone down. He dropped his arms in frustration and I (nurse like) thought 'he must be really upset and need help' pulled over. I stepped out of the car into the slush keeping about 3 ft distance between us and noticed he was a slightly built man with gold rimmed glasses, thinking I could take him if I had to, I asked if he needed me to call for help on my cell and he said with a slight Newfoundland accent "Thanks for stopping, could you drop a parcel off for me at the Ultramar garage at the exit?" I didn't step any closer but looked at the round envelope in his hand and asked "what is it?" To which he replies "it's a sample" Now to to a nurse this has a few meanings. I'm guessing my look caused him to self declare and he introduces himself as a Dr. at the local hospital to which I respond with my job title and so he says "oh they're pulmicort inhalers for a patient, thank you so much I just couldn't bring myself to turn around on these roads after I forgot to drop them off" So I climbed back in the car with the 'samples' and dropped them off at the service station as instructed and continued on my way. When I mentioned about my stopping to the shore captain he said that although most women would have been afraid to stop he was sure I could handle myself and he was the one at risk. After the two days of dealing with infection control planning you can be sure I was the dangerous one on the loose.
Had a call today from the western daughter as she'd arranged for her father to air freight lobsters to Calgary for colleagues and was attempting to find out if they'd made it. Her Dad had headed over to pick some lively ones out of the tank house, pack them (including a few extra for her) and send them along with the transport to the airport. She convinced a helpful Air Canada cargo customer service representative to track them down and was thrilled to hear "they're in the air on a direct flight and will be in shortly" I told her that was the same as Merry Christmas!
We've been enjoying a lazy day here today of reading, movies and not much else. The snow has turned to rain now which is good as the baby daughter is working a short night at the local nursing home. If the roads are still nasty she'll be two for two shifts with her father driving her to work as she had a long day on Saturday. It's a windy night and the shore captain is concerned as to what Mother Nature is doing to his lobster traps out there while I'm enjoying the fireplace.
Enough procrastinating. I must get those Christmas cards which I am going to sacrifice trees for done tonight. More details on life in the slow lane one of these pre-Christmas days.