Well as you can see it was not the sunny afternoon which was predicted when my canine friend and I were out strolling. I had the camera with me as I was documenting the construction underway at my summer neighbours on either side of us. I took a shot of the shoreline and harbour and guess who popped up to have a look at the shags? Yes the same dog who is lying on the mat gazing neurotically in turn at each of her front legs and occasionally chewing on a imaginary tick as the ticks are now out here so she is on patrol. Time to pick up the tick stuff at the vets apparently.
Do not really have a great deal to show for my efforts today otherwise as housework is an ever occuring cycle so not really newsworthy. Unfortunately the weekend is still over no matter what was accomplished so it's back to work tomorrow. You can imagine that - as anyone working in infection control with the rapidly spreading H1N1 influenza A situation - I'm looking forward to RTW as much as a poke in the eye with a pointed stick.
I leave you with the quote of the day - fear is temporary / regret is forever