On Friday, daughter # 2 headed home from the city arriving late as she had to wait for vehicle repairs. She launched into a rather ambitious sewing project which I mentored. We were up and out early for the town wide yard sale and scored all sorts of buys. The object was to outfit the baby daughter with apartment apparatus which we did in style – bagel toaster for $2, electric frying pan for $3, boxes of dishes, mugs, glasses, ice cube trays and utensils, dishcloths and more. And while I was browsing I found all sorts of deals por moi – a lounge chair, casserole with a lid no less, soup tureen, appliquéd potholders, beautiful pansies and chives, a free suitcase for Cuba and more but the best of the best was a very old invalid feeding cup with the lady saying “oh give me a dollar” when I inquired and I was thrilled as it would’ve gone for $20 or more in an auction. So heading home at lunch time we were very pleased with ourselves. The sewing project continued while I supervised as I baked an apple/rhubarb pie, brown bread, made potato salad and turkey soup.
The next morning was an early start as the visiting daughter had to head back to the city early for a trip out to George’s Island so after making breakfast I had lots of time to get
The news event of the weekend though was the letter of acceptance from Memorial University for the oldest daughter so she can complete her BBA by distance. The plan is a major in Economics perhaps, never one to miss the opportunity for a challenge that first born! Her home visiting sister read it to her saying “I’m reading congratulations with such emphasis because there are three exclamation points after it on the page” Wow is she ever going to make a great elementary teacher eh? I told the girls one of the highlights is going to be telling telemarketers that I’m not able to give to what ever charity they’re calling on behalf of because….I have three daughters in university this year.
Good to find that the youngest traveling daughter had safely (and finally) arrived back on Canadian soil after some delays with flights and customs late last night. Her patient sister had retrieved her from the airport and is hosting her while she celebrates her birthday tomorrow and job searches. No teenagers now after midnight, where did the 20 years go?
The prodigal son started mossing this morning and has the blisters to do it. He doesn’t mind being bent over doing hard work as long as it’s on the water. Got over 1700 lb of irish moss raked in one tide which was more than most of the others did. Hoping to get some cash on hand before the fishing banks open up next month. The captain who is recovering slowly from his injuries of last winter is planning a trip though this week to try out his new captain’s seat and see how he can manage. He’s getting pretty antsy at being ashore so he’s quite a poster boy for return to work; many others would never do it.
Speaking of work - today was NOT a good day at work. Nuff said. The fact that it feels like Friday is not a good gauge of the week I’m thinking.