The only son has been lobstering this week, albeit alone which is not a popular situation in our house, although he has had transportation difficulties. Yesterday morning as I was up at 5:30 playing Easter bunny and getting ready to head in for a LD I came back in from feeding the dog to find the boy standing in the kitchen which caused me quite a start as I had thought I was on my own. I questioned where his truck was “it blew up last night and by the time we got it on the trailer and off at Curtis’ it was 11 o’clock so I just came home and went to bed”. When I asked how he expected to get to the wharf he said “I’m taking Dad’s truck and he can get a drive over to the plant (with the visiting sister he meant) if he needs to, I’m not sure how much of a rage he’ll be in but he’ll get over it by the time I get in”. Or as I thought to myself ‘before I get home from work’.
The second daughter was home for the weekend so was the chauffeur apparently. It is her birthday today and I am reminded of only being in the hospital for 8 minutes before she was born just 24 years ago, now that was efficient! She spent her weekend visiting and working on wedding details as she got the invitations and wedding website all put together. The visiting included Eastering at her grandmothers and a sunburn of all things in April and measuring the flower girls for their dresses which I’ll sew this month. So things are coming together and she didn’t notice I wasn’t around much. She's enjoying her practice teaching, looking forward to hearing David Suzuki speak at her graduation and hoping for a job offer.
Speaking of jobs...My work day yesterday was spent dealing with the silly season as a combination of sun and ETOH caused all kinds of interesting interactions. As my coworker said “I’m having a déjà vu moment - is this 2010 or 1982 all over again?” Well, it might be 1982 as I don’t have many kids waiting at home any more. We had a cute little fellow in who surprised us afterwards with a large collection of Subway sandwiches which we managed to share with the entire staff in a loaves and fishes kind of spirit.
I had a good phone chat with a colleague last evening who has worked ER for some years and during the discussion on my needing to get up to speed on my IV starts, she told me someone had advised that you have to “be at one with the IV” which is a good way of psyching yourself up. She also reassured me that a coworker of hers who could insert an IV in a rock had a struggle with the new cathlons so I felt much better with my re-entry. Guess I better get my act together and start studying for the TNCC (Trauma Nursing Core Competencies) course which I’ll be doing over the long weekend in May. I’m glad that someone else didn’t want to give up the holiday weekend so I get to partake.
Off to assist with the inhouse nursing activities. Later.