Every person dies. Not every person really lives. ~ William Wallace
Well, since it has been ten, very busy (even by our household standards) days since I last updated you it would seem time to catch up on the news. As I was mentioning in the previous post I did work my LN, sleep, get up and volunteer at bingo and then do a LD on the following morning. Mind you, I whined so bad at bingo that they allowed me to go home early and I was so anxious to escape that I forgot to take my 'free' cheeseburger with me. When I answered the phone shortly after I got home to hear the Deputy Fire Chief's voice I said "I know, I know, I forgot my burger" so he promised to bring it right down. When he arrived I said "who says we don't have take out/delivery here in the country eh?" After my LD on Sunday (which was pretty hectic) I came home and shortly began to feel REALLY bad.
I soon discovered that I had picked up a stomach bug and I will spare you all the gorey details but suffice to say that it was 24 hours of extreme unpleasantness. And a hard way to lose 5 pounds. Mind you, I tried on my M.O.B. suit and it still fits so it wasn't for naught. But having spent my three days off being ill was no fun, especially with my long to-do list. Added to that was the fact that one of those evenings I attended a union meeting at my workplace and volunteered to be president of the local union (which has been defunct for years) so now I'll be president for life I'm told. And the final afternoon of my days off I spent waiting for three hours in the busy waiting room of the Emergency Department as the boy wonder had gotten hit in the forehead with a lobster trap and required five sutures to close the cut, as well as a large bruise on his cheek. Was lucky it wasn't worse. When I asked him how he knew it required stitching (as they don't have mirrors on fishing boats) he said "when I stuck my head out of the window of the wheelhouse the wind made the edges flap" It has healed nicely despite a dousing with transmission fluid this afternoon. But I digress. I was very unimpressed with the performance of a guy who arrived with apparently the norovirus I was still recovering from and quite a show he put on. I pondered the fact that I had been too sick to go to the hospital when I was having the virus. But as one of my coworkers stated "he had man pain though, that is the worst kind".
I did a little dance of my own mind you when I returned from town and found a parcel card for my Kobo e-book reader which had finally arrived. The card required a signature and although it had been shipped priority post was several days late. I tried to negotiate a settlement with the postal clerk to no avail so I made negative comments about her employer and hung up. Added to the pain was the voice mail from the library telling me that a book was also in town for me. I elected NOT to retrace my steps and muttered to myself instead.
On Thursday when I headed in for the LD I drove and delegated the LPN aka friend to be first in line when the post office opened in the morning - much like those waiting for their social assistance cheques - as I was unable to leave work due to staffing requirements. I can now report that the Kobo e-book reader is even more wonderful than I had anticipated and I have begun to read one of the preloaded books to familiarize myself with the new technology. Friday was a busy, busy day and so I was glad to have Saturday booked off.
Saturday was sp
ent traveling to, attending and returning from a graduation at Universite Sainte Anne where David Suzuki was the keynote speaker and yes he did have his clothes on. As the shore captain commented that he was "pretty evangelical" but he is forgetting that there are a few of us who have seen him, himself speaking at fisheries meetings so no reply was needed for that. We had a very nice supper at Chez Christophe and thoroughly enjoyed the rappie pie (an Acadian delicacy) as well as the pie, oh the pie.
We returned to find the prodigal son was suffering from the ever popular norovirus and I could certainly empathize with how he felt. I thought to myself 'I should've lit a candle at the cathedral to ensure the shore captain doesn't get this stuff'. A very quiet evening to unwind except that Keely was so impressed to find daughter # 2 home that she did a version of her "Indianapolis 500 race" around the furniture to entertain us. Hard to believe she's 10 this year. Especially the next morning when she was no where to be found when we got up. Apparently the shore captain had let her out and couldn't remember (dementia rearing it's ugly head) if he had clipped her on her run. She appeared around the front of the house after apparently having had a romp and a swim of several hours duration. She must wait in anticipation when it's him letting her out.
Today the major construction project was the cat house which was constructe
d for Gary. The only problem with it is that he refuses to go in it, not even when tempted with the kitty treats he is addicted to. I think he fears it is a cat carrier. This is a puzzle as he also loves to squeeze his very chubby body into the smallest of places. Might have been due to the breezy conditions as he enjoys the outdoors except for when the winds blows in his ears. Here you can see the attempt at enticing him - to no avail.
The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. ~ William James
Well, since it has been ten, very busy (even by our household standards) days since I last updated you it would seem time to catch up on the news. As I was mentioning in the previous post I did work my LN, sleep, get up and volunteer at bingo and then do a LD on the following morning. Mind you, I whined so bad at bingo that they allowed me to go home early and I was so anxious to escape that I forgot to take my 'free' cheeseburger with me. When I answered the phone shortly after I got home to hear the Deputy Fire Chief's voice I said "I know, I know, I forgot my burger" so he promised to bring it right down. When he arrived I said "who says we don't have take out/delivery here in the country eh?" After my LD on Sunday (which was pretty hectic) I came home and shortly began to feel REALLY bad.
I soon discovered that I had picked up a stomach bug and I will spare you all the gorey details but suffice to say that it was 24 hours of extreme unpleasantness. And a hard way to lose 5 pounds. Mind you, I tried on my M.O.B. suit and it still fits so it wasn't for naught. But having spent my three days off being ill was no fun, especially with my long to-do list. Added to that was the fact that one of those evenings I attended a union meeting at my workplace and volunteered to be president of the local union (which has been defunct for years) so now I'll be president for life I'm told. And the final afternoon of my days off I spent waiting for three hours in the busy waiting room of the Emergency Department as the boy wonder had gotten hit in the forehead with a lobster trap and required five sutures to close the cut, as well as a large bruise on his cheek. Was lucky it wasn't worse. When I asked him how he knew it required stitching (as they don't have mirrors on fishing boats) he said "when I stuck my head out of the window of the wheelhouse the wind made the edges flap" It has healed nicely despite a dousing with transmission fluid this afternoon. But I digress. I was very unimpressed with the performance of a guy who arrived with apparently the norovirus I was still recovering from and quite a show he put on. I pondered the fact that I had been too sick to go to the hospital when I was having the virus. But as one of my coworkers stated "he had man pain though, that is the worst kind".
I did a little dance of my own mind you when I returned from town and found a parcel card for my Kobo e-book reader which had finally arrived. The card required a signature and although it had been shipped priority post was several days late. I tried to negotiate a settlement with the postal clerk to no avail so I made negative comments about her employer and hung up. Added to the pain was the voice mail from the library telling me that a book was also in town for me. I elected NOT to retrace my steps and muttered to myself instead.
On Thursday when I headed in for the LD I drove and delegated the LPN aka friend to be first in line when the post office opened in the morning - much like those waiting for their social assistance cheques - as I was unable to leave work due to staffing requirements. I can now report that the Kobo e-book reader is even more wonderful than I had anticipated and I have begun to read one of the preloaded books to familiarize myself with the new technology. Friday was a busy, busy day and so I was glad to have Saturday booked off.
Saturday was sp

We returned to find the prodigal son was suffering from the ever popular norovirus and I could certainly empathize with how he felt. I thought to myself 'I should've lit a candle at the cathedral to ensure the shore captain doesn't get this stuff'. A very quiet evening to unwind except that Keely was so impressed to find daughter # 2 home that she did a version of her "Indianapolis 500 race" around the furniture to entertain us. Hard to believe she's 10 this year. Especially the next morning when she was no where to be found when we got up. Apparently the shore captain had let her out and couldn't remember (dementia rearing it's ugly head) if he had clipped her on her run. She appeared around the front of the house after apparently having had a romp and a swim of several hours duration. She must wait in anticipation when it's him letting her out.
Today the major construction project was the cat house which was constructe

The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. ~ William James