We traveled to the city and had a private viewing of the house which the teacher daughter and son-in-law have since bought. It's a good sized split entry which has been extensively renovated, has a nice deck and backyard in a good location with the closing date the end of March. Will post some pictures when it's all finalized. Needless to say they are pumped!
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Caribbean Princess 7 day itinerary |
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Movies Under the Stars ahhhhh |
Sure making us look forward to the end of March as well. I am into the countdown for the first vacation - oh that sounds so good to say the 'first' vacation. Ah! I only have five shifts to work until I'm off for two weeks. Then I have one set to work before being off for another three weeks. The pace has been two notches above frantic lately so some downtime maintenance is in order. Ah, March is my favorite month this year.
Well...except for the course I'm slogging through - which I'm putting off doing at this moment by blogging. First I can't make the travel medicine course I wanted to attend in Boston (due to the first exam) and then the travel agent found a great seat sale for $475 taxes in for those dates - of course! I had a long phone chat on the weekend with my OHN colleague and she said "never mind, it's in Amsterdam next year" and as I told her "the only problem with that plan is that the shore captain will most definitely be inviting himself along to that location". We discussed the course in Peru and she's only ready to attend in 2013 as she still has a high school attending daughter home but as I told her "I'm thinking it's a real long shot from here" It's likely one of those programs you have to apply for repeatedly.
Had a good weekend off actually as we invited friends over for lobsters on Friday night and it was so nice to get together that I didn't even mind cleaning up a bit. One of our guests made bread, one made dessert and we just caught up on the news. Sunday was a price fixee menu at Lothars Cafe for Valentines Day which was wonderful! I had to make a hasty exit as I headed out to work a night shift but it was worth it. Have to make the time, no other way around it.
I slept today when I came home from night shift and had a very confused conversation about 10 a.m. with a neighbour who asked if I could give he and his wife their second Twinrix immunizations which they had in their fridge. Not a problem to do so except today wasn't a good day I kept repeating as he tried to convince me that they'd drop down. Even in my 'just fell into a deep sleep state' I realized this wasn't a good idea as they cleaning lady hasn't been here for two weeks! Finally I became so incoherent that he asked "were you sleeping?" to which I replied "yep but I'll go right back to sleep" which I promptly did. When I woke up in the afternoon I was having trouble remembering if the call happened or was a dream so I checked the phone and their number was there. I called the house to sort out a time and their preschooler answered and very brightly chirped "hello" when I said "is your Daddy there?" he said "nope, he's outside" and promptly hung up the phone. A while later we finally connected and I'll make a house call tomorrow - much easier than housecleaning. Although I did a bit of that when I woke up as it requires very little thought so why waste a day when you're awake for that eh?
Tonight as I headed out of the house to go to scrapbooking one of the local fishermen pulled into the yard in a car to pick up a cheque but since I was heading back to retrieve my glasses I thought he was the prodigal son as he was tall and thin and I called out (concerned something had happened to the boy's truck) "what are you driving?" His surprised reply was "a PT Cruiser" as I suppose he wondered why he was being interviewed about his vehicle before being allowed to approach the house. As he got closer I realized that he wasn't my offspring and scampered off leaving the shore captain to explain my brain lapse. I'm still toiling on my small album from the 2008 New England/Maritimes cruise. I'm spurred on by the fact that my travel partner has completed hers. Since my mind was a bit foggy I spent some time correcting a few mistakes of course. It is coming together and I'm just finishing up Boston pages so there is hope of it being completed.
Have plans for Saturday to head to the valley for a Disaster Team course which the Red Cross is sponsoring. Another star on my resume for overseas work. It will also exempt me from volunteering at Bingo. Life is good.