Speaking of winter (not that I'd like to think about it let alone speak of it) I heard a piece on CBC radio today as I was making my way home from my physio appointment. And actually I was discharged from my physio program as my back problem is completely resolved. I am the poster nurse for positive improvement from the injections it seems. I've been kicked out of better places than that. But I digress. The piece was regarding something called the Long John Index . Here's the link http://longjohnindex.ca/ and you really must check out the bar on the top which outlines how the LJI works. Made me think of our western daughter as I read the index.
Have had a couple of morning phone calls the past few weeks as she heads off early in the a.m. for her day and I'm just contemplating mine (at a more socially acceptable - to me - hour) so we can get caught up on the news. It's sounding like the index is already in use in Alberta.
Speaking of offspring I was forwarded a link from a proud mother. Her son has always been very bright and pushed the envelope (in many ways from athletics, music to academics) and the last I'd heard of the guy from Sydney Mines he was a PhD in Kinesiology and doing something with mice muscles. http://www.sickkidsfoundation.com/together/ It appears he's involved in research to regrow limbs - only starfish could do that until now eh? Nova Scotians are creative!
Today I shopped at the dollar store and Frenchy's and managed to pack Samaritan's Purse shoe boxes for shipment. I also put together some baby clothes/Snugli/blankets for a schoolmate of the daughter's who has relocated to Dominican Republic. Found a good home for all those 'can't leave them here, they're brand new' baby things from Frenchy's for her parents to take next week.
The other evening the cell phone rang and the shore captain had an extensive conversation with someone which somehow didn't sound like the usual fish/crustacean chats he has. When I inquired as to who it was on the phone, he answers "Rachel who thinks I can answer all her questions". Apparently a couple (sound like left over hippies to me - but of course that's not a bad thing - with a menagerie of goats, dogs, cats, hens and more) of indeterminate age, she has a British accent, have moved to the community where the shore captain's fish plant is. They were directed to him by the lady they bought their place from to purchase fresh fish and so she had been calling daily (as unaware of the comings and goings of the fleet) about buying fish. The most recent call had begun with "well you seem really friendly, we don't know many people here and I thought you could help as we need a rooster killed". As the shore captain pointed out "well roosters do have a habit of being territorial" but it seems that the rooster had attacked the dogs, Rachel and some of the other critters so a contract was out on him. The life partner referred Rachel to a neighbourhood teenager who is a hunter and commented to me afterwards "it's a bit of stretch from being sociable to being a rooster murderer!"
At work on a recent shift I was chatting with one of our new graduates who commented on my pin on watch. I told her it was my nursing school graduation present from the (then boyfriend now husband) in 1976 and she said "that was before I was born". I could handle that part but when I wound the watch and she said "what are you doing?" I was gobsmacked and said "that's how it runs, you wind it up" but she was more amazed herself saying "how does it work without a battery?" And to think they'll be looking after us in the nursing home. Sigh.
No matter what kind of day you're having remember it's got to be better than the poor guy holding up traffic on the Bi-Hi outside the city on the traffic report one afternoon last week. It seems his car was rear ended and in the ensuing commotion he locked himself out of his damaged vehicle. Each traffic report expanded on the situation as in "there are two policemen on site attempting to help him break into his car with a coat hanger" etc. FINALLY the poor soul was released from his 15 minutes of fame as the traffic was clear in that area on the final report. CBC usually provides a more documentary approach to information such as the piece I heard on Nance Ackerman and her cousin who are doing photo tours which 'give back' to developing nations. http://www.cousinsphototours.com/
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luggage boxes are fun |
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Atlantic - looking for deer mission |
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view from the veranda |
In closing I will advise that a really good read is the latest novel by Guy Vanderhauge who is a Saskatchewan writer - this one is called A Good Man. I downloaded it to my e-reader and finished it when I got home from vacation. It was worth spazzing about not studying but reading a novel instead. Enough ramblings.