In the pursuit of a charger for my iPod shuffle (which I had bought off eBay it contains yelling 'music' and came without a charger) I had agreed with my son-in-law and bought a cheap cable off eBay from an unnamed Asian country and....surprise - it didn't work. So I braved the road construction and made my way to the electronics shop. Turns out they didn't have the charger (after they assured me on the phone they did) but they did have lots of shiny new toys and in a moment of weakness I found myself the owner of a 6th generation 8GB iPod nano.
The ensuing two hours of struggle with Apple techs on the phone were not what I would describe as either support or assistance. It involved almost an hour and a half with three different techs, getting cut off twice and not called back, scanning and emailing a store receipt, explaining the same problem over and over and being completely unable to download songs on to the nano. You can however, book a time online for them to call you back and a nice lad from Indiana did just that at the time I requested and managed to solve my problems. First I had to boot the life partner off Skype on my MacBook Air with the western daughter and the tech says "your husband Skypes? I think he's cool" to which I replied "yeah, he thinks he's pretty cool too!" Apparently the tech said the iPod system had been down that afternoon. As I explained to him that would have been all that was necessary to explain and I would've given up for another day as I don't get paid to be on the phone for hours. Good thing I was on days off.
I have spent several of my days off attending to appointments such as dental and haircut and have rewarded myself with a short Frenchy's shop in there - the bins were rather picked over so they must be waiting for a shipment of new stuff. But this week has not been without its social pleasures as I began my days off with a BBQ at friends place - great food, good conversation and a couple of glasses of wine meant that the shore captain had to drive me home after I had a short nap - now there's a role reversal for you. Last evening a trio of us ladies took in a movie which we'd all been waiting to see....Magic Mike and it was a hoot! Almost the entire audience was female, the theatre was pretty close to full and you could've heard a pin drop. When the pharmacist from our local drugstore asked me if afterward in the lobby if I was a Tatum Channing fan I replied "I am now". Someone mentioned there wasn't much of a plot - didya think there would be when the topic is male exotic dancers?
I am having an additional day off tomorrow as my shifts have been rescheduled and at least the forecast is for more sunshine. This isn't good for the fire hazard index as all open fires in the province have been banned (the small amount of rain we received last night with the thunder and lightening storm didn't begin to soak in the parched ground) but the uv sure makes for great beach weather.
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Kayak Pros |
And for water sports.... My summer neighbours have been enjoying their kayaks as you can see. One of these mornings I am going to surprise them and take them up on the offer of a paddle. It was so warm and humid yesterday that I took the dog down for a swim because it would've been too hot for us two old girls to try to walk. However it backfired because as soon as she got cooled off in the chilly water she decided it was then time for a walk anyway. Still a puppy at 12! Tonight we braved the mosquitos and headed up the road for the traditional walk. Must go - Rod is calling me....From a Downtown Train.