To recap we did get to visit Rey from South Philly but the day was a bit more complicated than planned. Up early and off to the city we arrived at the cruise port before nine a.m. as promised. There was a steady stream of passengers and crew exiting through the gate and we waited patiently. Always interesting to people watch. Spoke to one of the custom tour drivers "SUV, will take you anywhere you want to go - minimum of four people and $50 each - you can walk on the floor of the Bay of Fundy, go to Peggys Cove, Lunenburg you name it". The driver mentioned that some of his passengers had mixed up the time and were arriving at 10 am for his tour as their ship time was different. We waited until 10:30 a.m and no Rey so I left a FB message and we headed off to get the shore captain's passport renewed. Noticed a piece of paper under the windshield wiper - oh no, a parking ticket as the area required a receipt in the window. Sigh. Stopped at the Commissionaires and had mister's passport photo taken - quick and painless - and up to the passport office. No sooner had a number been pulled and I check FB to see a message from Rey saying "I'm here now, had a meeting since 9 a.m". Convince the partner that Rey may not have much time and so head back to the cruise pier and are very careful NOT to park this time. An interesting ride as it is noon hour in Halifax with lots of construction and traffic and I am driving up hills in my standard car - my nerves. Whisk Rey off to the waterfront and play tourists as we suggest he pick the spot for lunch so visit Murphy's on the Waterfront - his choice not ours. This means a draft for the guys and a lobster roll for Rey, calamari for mister and I can't resist the sweet potato fries so a snack. The service is better than I've seen there in the past, the food is expensive but tasty and it's a beautiful sunny day on the Halifax waterfront while we visit with a buddy so all is good. Drop Rey off at the pier by 1:15 pm as he has to leave his luggage for security. Now since this is Thursday, Friday is Bar Harbour, Maine and he is flying home to the Philippines on Saturday from Boston it begged the question "do you wear the same clothes or no clothes for three days?". After ten months Rey is very excited to get home to his family and "sit under a tree and eat my rice, life is simpler there". We suggest we'll come visit him in his country and in fact it is a spot on the travel list.
Back to the passport office and a very efficient renewal of the now ten year digital passport. Through the city and over to Mezza for a late lunch. Looking for a parking spot on a side street from Quinpool Road and waiting to pull into a space being vacated by a large crew cab half ton truck backs up into my new car. Very slowly and so not much of a thump. We all jump out to examine the front of the Dart and the young tradesman apologizes profusely"I didn't see you at all". We decide no harm done as apparently with those plastic front ends if you're going slowly enough they will stand the impact and bounce back. He is extremely relieved that it's two country mice in the city who don't want a pound of his flesh, apologizes again and they get back in the truck. Likely had to go change his underwear after that close call. We trot in to Mezza's and have a wonderful lunch of tabouleh salad, pitas and batatas (potatoes which the waitress tells us is the only word in Lebanese that even sounds close to the English version) and then take baklavah to go for home. Ahhhhhh. Straight home as the parking ticket and the low speed bump are enough excitement for the day.
Friday was a day to get provisions and then a friend hosted a BBQ. Our German chef friend and his wife were invited as well and he had not been to the BBQ address recently so as I stepped out of the shower the front door bell rang. Thinking it was the shore captain with his hands full I hustled out with only a bath towel wrapped around me. I gave directions and headed back to get dressed thinking that our buddy was really flustered as he would usually have some kind of a wisecrack such as "not now, my wife is with me". I phoned our hostess, advising I'd redirected them and suggesting that if they didn't show up in about five minutes that someone should go looking for them. She suggested that she'd send her husband to the end of the lane as "he's just standing here not doing anything, he might as well stand down there and be useful". We arrived to find all the guests accounted for so the plan must've worked.
Saturday was a day to (belatedly) celebrate my baby sisters's birthday. Had my nieces and their children, my sister and brother-in-law and his sister as well as one of my sister's childhood friends and husband for burgers (with smoked gouda and bacon) sausages and hotdogs grilled by the life partner. I did potato and broccoli salad and we had an ice cream cake. One of the guests brought bruschetta dip which is wonderful! I had picked up some foam tipped rocket launchers for the little ones and they were a complete hit. A good time was had by all.
Sunday morning early I was off on my road trip to visit a coworker from over three decades ago - before either of us had kids - when she was a military wife posted here and we worked on the same shift together. Stopped along the way to check out the storage site for my car which turns out to be a converted farm building - which is just fine with me. An uneventful but long drive and arrived by 4 pm. Her children arrived for supper and we had a great visit of catching up. Hadn't seen them since they were little.
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Amish in Maine? |
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Oysters and sweet potato fries |
Home for a 10 pm supper and to fall into bed. What a fun filled two days. Glad my friend had the rest of the day to get rested up before heading in to work again.
Up early to get on the road for a physio appointment I was quietly brushing my teeth in the bathroom by the night light when I noticed a dark blob in the sink which hadn't been there when I started. I peered closer jumped! A small sticky toad had gotten in somehow. I involuntarily yelped and jumped then grabbed a towel and shook him out the window. I heard my friend in the kitchen so went to apologize for making the noise and she said "good thing it wasn't me I would have screamed" and when we revisited the bathroom there was Mr. Toad on the towel. He apparently hung on with his sticky feet. The toad was leaping, the cocker spaniel was jumping around and my friend and I were hysterical with laughter. I recaptured the toad and this time made sure he was on the outside of the window. Now we were both wide awake as I readied to leave. Promises that less than seven years would pass before we get together again. A smooth return trip with a quick refuel on the NB side of the border, then a sandwich stop and on to my physio appointment. I have somehow (posture the physio says) put my left shoulder blade out of alignment which has affected my left arm and shoulder. Hot packs, electrical stimulation (which made my arm raise involuntarily as if it was a chicken wing) and then readjustment and sports taping with the instructions to wear my posture support. Sigh. Cheered myself up with a banana cream pie flurry from Dairy Queen. Home in time to walk the dog.
Thursday was my nursing class annual luncheon get together and it is inconceivable that we graduated 37 years ago - how did that happen? The ladies were in good form and there were stories and laughter. I had lobster mac n cheese and it would be worth fighting someone for it. Delicious!! Time to pick up a few groceries and head home to enjoy the sun which had peaked out.
Today the forecast was for rain but a beautiful sunny afternoon was the result. We'll take it. The cleaning lady arrived in the morning and so to get out of her way I dropped my firemans breakfast contribution off to a neighbour for Sunday. She had her daughter and son-in-law visiting and unfortunately the son-in-law had spent the night in the local hospital. NOT the recommended way to enjoy your vacation. A short chat and off to my meeting with someone wanting information on heading north for nursing work. A great conversation at the home of a coworker and some of her questions were answered. Home to catch some UV and then walk the dog before supper. Which brings me to plans for tomorrow.
A friend and I are heading to the city to see Shakespeare by the Sea perform Much Ado About Nothing in Point Pleasant Park. Have wanted to take this event in for some time and the weather forecast is good so we are planning a picnic as well for lunch. Ahhhhh. Gotta make the best of these last two weeks home as my coworker in Taloyoak says it snowed for about an hour yesterday "big flakes but it's all gone now". Where are my mittens?
So with final instructions for living here is a link: