I even managed to watch one of the movies I'd downloaded to the laptop before heading up here and I throughly enjoyed Hysteria - it's about 'women's issues' in the 1880s in London - it's very funny and I highly recommend it. Think it was released in 2011 and stars Maggie Gyllenhaal, Felicity Jones and Hugh Dancy - if you recognize any of those stars. Loosely based on the facts of the time.
I usually try to include a few links for your educational pleasure and although I haven't completely checked out this micro lending site, it does at first glance look like a good idea. The premise is that you lend a small sum of money to a disadvantaged person and when the loan is repaid you can reinvest it again or take it back. Would be a good suggestion for a don't 'buy gifts for the sake of it' Christmas plan:
And on a kind of sombre note, a story from the Washington Post the speaks of tough decisions for elderly parents:
The other link which interested me is a bit more upbeat - a link to another blog - called Hyperbole and a Half - not sure if all the posts are as good as the most recent one on power, but I loved it :
And as there are a number of posts to this blog, and I've lost track of some of the links, I'm not sure if this link is a reposting, if so, it's good enough to say again:
Did the online check in as prompted for the Eastern Caribbean cruise on the Holland America, Westerdam next month. Had to have the travel partner look up the passport info when we had a FaceTime chat on Sunday, as he would not have the patience for the particulars, such as flight info etc. One of the questions necessitated a quick call to him today as the name of the hotel in Fort Lauderdale post cruise was required. I couldn't find the information as he'd booked the accommodation through Hotwire and printed it out at home. I'm not sure if it wasn't in his email or he couldn't remember the password to check it at the plant as he had put the phone down and was yelling "just give me a minute" from across the office when I was trying to tell him how, without access to the info I was managing fine as I saved info in my email and he should do the same. I was thinking the name of the little boutique hotel in Las Olas was a short name such as The Benches (I know, I know doesn't make sense) but when I Googled boutique hotels in Las Olas and The Pillars jumped out I had an aha moment and he agreed that was it - not too far off. Checked out the stateroom and balcony online, then printed the itinerary and luggage tags, woohoo all that sun and surf look pretty good when the scene outside the window is a winter wonderland - doesn't matter if it's October or February.
The roommate and myself were invited out to supper at the mental health workers place with the SAO (Site Administrative Officer - like the CEO of the hamlet) and it was a great meal and good conversation. So since my turkey supper is settling on my tummy, it's time to get some shut eye and ready myself for a short work week.