Arctic fox |
Hey there…..haven't seen a polar bear this week (likely as the sea ice is frozen over now) but last week with open water there was a bit of activity. Three bears swam ashore and had a little visit - looked like Mama and two grown offspring - they took the hint when scared with bear bangers. Unfortunately two younger juvenile bears didn't heed the warnings, began making a nuisance of themselves and have...disappeared. One of them came ashore repeatedly, once looking and sniffing in the dog house (poor dog, that must've given him a fright) and the smoke house. Another 'remembered' that someone had left a pail of blubber on the shore last year
and revisited that spot - long memories apparently. They sure are big animals. Did you know that their hide is black? Haven't been close enough to get a good photo yet, and that is fine, just fine by me. I did however, go on a little excursion to the dump with the RCMP and there were a LOT of arctic foxes hanging out there.
Mostly I have been enjoying the cozy apartment. It is a large place and I measured the
-37c wind chill, blowing snow |
dimensions last weekend - finding it's about 1100 sq. ft. of living space. The rooms are big, living room is 14x22 ft and the master bedroom is 13x17 for example. You could easily raise a family in this. And of course those arctic days are getting shorter with sunrise about 11 am and then the sun just hanging low in the sky until it slips away again about 3 pm. In about 10 more days we'll see the last of the sun for this year and we'll be into the long arctic night, waiting for the first peep of sun the end of January.
Arctic Halloween was fun. There was a community get together in the school gym with all sorts of treats (I took brownies and looked furtively over my shoulder as I walked to the school, wondering if polar bears like baked goods) and the costumes were cute. I enjoyed the one of the airplane (clearly central to a fly in community lifestyle) which won a prize. Trick or treaters were cute, had more than I would've at home. I would hear a skidoo stopping, boots crunching on the snowy stairs, they'd ring and down I'd
Wouldn't use her walker…. |
go to the lobby. But I was by myself for the week, so if someone wanted to see the nurse they'd ring the videophone as well. The first few were easy as they had makeup and costumes, then there was a grandfather (couldn't see the preschool trick or treater) with him, who rang the bell. I said "can I help you?" as I wasn't sure if he was a patient and he looked sheepishly at the camera and said tentatively "trick or treat?" so I chuckled and headed down. He apologized for making me run up and down and I assured him I could use the exercise. He told his granddaughter that the nurse was likely giving toothbrushes and such, but I confessed that although that would've been a good health promotion opportunity, I'd bought (fresh) candy with me from 'down south' . The youngster dug in the bag of proffered treats and said "this is good, this is good" with a grin. I know my audience.
The COOP manager delivered milk which finally came in for my pregnant co-worker and so I scored some as well. The good news is that after two weeks of powdered milk, it was nice to have fresh milk for my tea. The bad news is that it was already outdated by one day and leaking. Stating facts of northern life, not whining.
Have spent the past week attempting to get up to speed on the acting/NIC (nurse in charge) paperwork duties as the NIC will be heading out shortly for her maternity leave and my job share partner and I will share the duties. Have a little notebook I've been attempting to capture the picking of the brain from someone who has done it for a couple of years and has it down to a routine. Looking forward to doing health promotion in the schools and community - as in a blast from my past.
Can't believe I'm already about 1/3 of the way into this rotation. Have been crocheting a bit - did a blanket for my co-worker and the RCMP wife who are both due next month. Been making my way through a few books - David Susuki's biography at present, which is a good read. Have watched a couple movies - Woman in Gold was excellent, enjoyed A Royal Affair (about the Danish court in the 1700s) with subtitles but couldn't get through Dear White People - not often I have to hit delete on movies.... Haven't even had time to break out my adult colouring book and for those of you with your mind in the gutter, it's not an X rated one, but more intricate. Hopefully I can stay within the lines. Heading to sewing group this evening I think. Gotta get back into the swing of those slippers.
And of course, (always) thinking of travel, here is a link for improving those travel pics: