You know how you need to be in a mood to write? It is especially easy when you have positive vibes pushing you and this is one of those situations.
Claire's hat I crocheted |
We received a call from our daughter on Saturday evening (who was due in a week ) to tell us that our baby granddaughter had arrived. Claire Ann was 8 lb 14 oz and both mother and baby are doing well. It was nice to take a tripto the city the next day for other than medical reasons. And really good to hold our newborn grandchild, while deciding although she's cute that she looks nothing like our own kids did.
When I was hospitalized for pneumonia in mid August the Dr who had admitted me advised that the chest X-ray report from the radiologist advised I have a bone scan as there were areas on my ribs which could either be artifact (shadows but not sinister) or metastases (spread of cancer) and so he arranged for the body scan. I received a letter booking me for September 7th at the regional hospital. I have to say that reading the requisition with the 'rule out metastases' instructions next to my name and birthdate in the waiting room was disconcerting. The test requires that you receive an IV injection of radioactive dye and then return a few hours later for the scan. This allowed the life partner and I to run some errands (Canadian Tire, groceries and the butcher) and then enjoy a Cuban lunch at Shanty Cafe before heading back. The scan was somewhere between MRI and CT for claustrophobia inducing panic attacks and I managed ok. Today I received a call from the nurse in the referring physician's office - he's retired since my hospitalization but is one of those detail orientated types who checks reports from home and instructed her to let me know - that my scan was clear! Woohoo a huge relief as it's tough to stare that facing mortality stuff in the face and not have it affect you.
I travelled to the city for my short chemo appointment (actually about 10 days ago now) and was in and out within 50 minutes. My white counts had dropped, but not as low as previously so good to have had the dosage reduced 80%, and they were still at a level to have the chemo. Managed to enjoy a Meditterean lunch afterwards with a northern colleague and my family in tow, before heading home. Today is the final day of my reduced white count, according to the oncologists so the plan is to have our grandson over on the weekend as I won't be so immunocompromised.
Today I (again) did battle with my cell phone provider and 'think' I have arranged to have the phone plan I need at a price where I don't have to sell my car. This has been an ongoing skirmish over several months with amount of data and unlimited calling/texts being negotiated. As I said to the rep today….I will NEVER call Bell again and speak to anyone, I will only live chat so that I have a record of our discussion. He reversed the charges I was whining about.
I also spent some time looking for my camera, which I have apparently misplaced - the trouble with having technology you can put in your pocket or purse….I have an alternate camera and had downloaded my recent photos but did not plan to be without my waterproof, freeze proof, shock proof camera just yet. I've likely put it somewhere 'safe' and you know what that leads to…..pulling apart the house to prevent admitting you've lost your mind.
We are locally in the midst of a drought and many wells are dry. We still have water although the shore captain refuses to look in the well and see how much because "you can't save water, the level is according to the water table" to quote himself. Local Fire departments are filling wharf boxes with water for flushing of toilets etc for those who are out, the provincial park is open for showers, washing machines have been installed at Search & Rescue, taps are accessible at some fire halls and people on town water supplies have opened their homes for showers. Estimates are over 30% of the municipality is without water, rivers and lakes are at all time lows and lawns are charred. Yes, it's been a beautiful warm, sunny summer but we desperately need rain and for extended periods.
Ending this post with some practical advice on packing for those of you in travel mode: