We had a lovely spot on the white sand beach, great weather, lots of wine and food, wonderful laughs and catching up. Very therapeutic with all the positive vibes and affection of old friends. One of the classmates even travelled from BC. We had the special treat of rappie pie (Acadien delicacy) for lunch the second day, transporting us back in time to when this was brought back from the weekend home. In fact, it was as if there were no years in between, although there were two classmates who we hadn't seen since graduation and most of us are now grandmothers. One of the group is a pretty decent photographer and so we got some great photos.
I had to leave early on Thursday to get my bloodwork done so stopped at my local hospital and it was standing room only so I played my C card and suggested that I shouldn't wait (not something I usually do) with the crowd - I was fearful of missing my ultrasound appointment. I walked down to the lab, had my blood drawn and continued on to the next hospital. My ultrasound appointment was expedited by the urologist and so moved from February to this week. The usual drill of 1 litre of water on the way and the test was fairly efficient. Now to await reports.
Last week I had a good visit with the oncologist / surgeon I had in June. The gyne oncology clinic operates with each specialist just taking a chart off the pile, so I hadn't seen him since the surgery. He was very pleased with my progress and how I was responding to the chemo. We discussed plans for after the end of December when I am finished my six cycles of treatment and he described 'watchful waiting' which means every three monthly checkups, no scans unless symptoms and then gradual lengthening of time between checkups until the five year mark. When I mentioned the chemo going well he said "you're having the treatments preventatively, you're not sick with cancer too, the regime you're on isn't the worst for side effects although it works well, you don't have other comorbidities and you have a positive attitude". Nice to have the experts feeling you're doing well with this gig. I rewarded myself with a yarn shop at Michaels that afternoon on the way home.
This Friday was a quick run to the city for my short chemo treatment - only four more treatments remaining. I was in and out in under an hour but with the three hour drive each way, still put in a seven hour day. The shore captain dropped me off and headed over to the plant where they were unloading, packing and shipping fish. It was a dreary, rainy afternoon and so I crawled into bed for a nap with the therapy kitty. Think some of the lag was due to all the partying like it was 1976 for a couple of days..l
One of today's interaction with healthcare included a bill for $380 for room charges from my June admission. Apparently if you request a private room and a semiprivate is available you are charged for that - this was not explained to me. The only way to escape this scam is to simply request ward and take your chances of not being moved. The fact that I was placed in a semiprivate room as that was the only one available, apparently counted for naught as I had asked for the coveted private (completely unavailable) due to my previous encounter with extremely confused roommates when I had surgery. When I expressed concern that my insurance information was accessed (as my insurer had been billed for their portion) although I hadn't provided it - it was in my purse at my daughter's, the clerk promised to look into the case and call back tomorrow. I am sure that this is a $ lesson learned. The other interaction involved the insurance company where claims I submitted had not arrived - thank you Canada Post. First time they've lost a claim. So now I'm on the hunt for replacements. Full time job just keeping up with the paperwork. Good thing I'm feeling okay.

a classmate expecting a new granddaughter in January. Good to have a simple pattern so that you can crochet while visiting - one of those to pick up and put down, chat and not have to look at closely - the same criteria for taking handwork to night shift. I have been working on a sock monkey style cup cozy for a friend of the daughter's and did a pair of boot cuffs for myself to look like the wool socks. I do have big plans for an afghan with thick velour yarn so it should work up fast. It's main purpose being to pull over yourself on the couch if you are driven there by a snorer. And of course some Christmas gifts on the go just because I have the time this year to hand create some of them.