And the countdown is on……….
Delicious countdown |
This week my oldest daughter surprised me with an advent calendar to count down to the end of treatment and as of today that's…..21 more days. The fact that it's a Kinder Mix with various selections of goodies (this morning I had a hazelnut creme egg as a pre-breakfast snack) adds to the excitement. It is one of those items that was on the banned list at Christmas here a few decades ago…and not due to its poor nutritional status. We have a Decembear quilted wall hanging and 'moving the bear' as I've shared before, was a coveted activity that often led to early morning raids to 'be the one' sometimes accompanied by a scuffle or wails from the losers upon discovery. This evening I had the shore captain (with lots of muttering) retrieve Decembear from the closet and the search for Christmas began. Somehow one year an advent calendar with each door opening on a candy, was gifted to us and one of the offspring (memory fails me or perhaps I've repressed it) pillaged and devoured the 24 windows of daily chocolate, to the extreme and loud distress of the other three siblings upon finding the wreckage…back in the day. First and last one of those countdowns.
I was discussing how I was sliding into the countdown as only two treatments remain with a former work colleague, and she suggested that I was back in the drivers seat and I told her "no, I wish to be a passenger, a princess that is driven around" and we decided that was even better. I had a minor set back on the weekend where I (yet again) spent a few hours in ER as I enacted the fever protocol. The bloodwork, urine and chest Xray results were all good and the young Doc suggested that the temperature was either from the cold I inherited from the shore captain (no pneumonia) or the (yet another) phlebitis in my arm. Antibiotics worked the last time, so he prescribed again and I was on my way. All this interaction meant I was unable to attend the supper for the refugee sponsorship group held that evening and I was annoyed with myself and had a brief pity party. No point in continuing that snarling so….moving along.
Speaking of the treatments, as we readied ourselves to leave for the city early Friday morning and stopped at the end of our driveway, the road was littered with pieces of vehicle ? from a collision - glass, metal, plastic scattered across the front of our driveway. Surveying the scene led to the discovery of a good sized spike horn buck, in the ditch to the left of the driveway, who looked as if he was just napping. As we had no time to spare (due to multiple seafood industry errands along the way which still annoy me enough to not want to discuss them) I phoned our German chef friend for pickup - he is becoming known as a deer harvester and is a DNR frequent flier for permits.
Lobster season has begun (the start delayed by one day due to winds above 25 knots/hr) and today being another stormy one. This has led to long hours and some serious cases of 'lobster face' as a coworker used to call it. Tractor trailers loaded with crustaceans were on the road as soon as last evening - our local economy turns on the seafood industry.
Before the start of the season the combined Christmas / retirement supper was held at a local restaurant and the turnout was stellar. The old guy was pleased. A former employee (one of the original trio) attended and….had a low blood sugar, just like in the old days. He's usually the entertainment and was so as we waited for our meals, then became increasingly more quiet as he slipped down that slope. Both his former boss and coworker took note and his wife sourced him some orange juice with a quick turnaround. The beginning of an after dinner speech from the retiring boss was met by a raised hand from one of the employees who said "I have a question" only to be told with a grin that "this is not a question / answer situation". When the young fellow said "are we still on the clock?" the audience chuckled. Appreciation for the hard work of all concerned leading to the company's success and the unwrapping of the retirement gifts (contribution enforced by the in control secretary) with a genuine thank you following for the beautiful carved duck decoy to add to his collection (a former Industrial Arts teacher creates them) and the Pro-Go. Yes it's a Go-Pro (one of those cameras you strap on your head or sports equipment) and obviously you need a tutorial from a much younger offspring if you can't even name it correctly. But he was pleased with the present as he's coveted one for some time.
And, speaking of work…although it's been over seven months since I worked, it does still insert itself into my life. I had a call from the assistant to the crown prosecutor advising me of a summons to testify at supreme court in February. The original plan was that I'd be in Dominican Republic on vacation during those dates and there was discussion of application to the court for permission for phone / Skype testimony. It's at times like this, when you have to give your Skype name (mine in just my first/last names) that you're glad it's not something like bimbo babe. I called the Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS) which is the group that provides RNs with liability insurance, legal advice etc. through our professional registration fees and spoke to a nurse lawyer who strongly suggested I testify from within Canada. I can go to the local RCMP detachment and join via secure video link and so the DR portion of the trip has been put on hold. We will still have two weeks the end of January / first of February in Tampa with the girls, hubbies and granddaughter, so all is not lost.
I had a long phone chat this week with a former coworker who is on this survivor journey, albeit with pancreatic cancer and really appreciated the chance to talk with someone walking the walk. Tomorrow afternoon is the retired nurses lunch at a local community hall and I'm looking forward to it as I have only attended one of these events (due to work or health issues). The Christmas lunch is a great chance to get together and catch up while enjoying a potluck meal.
Last evening a couple of girlfriends and myself journeyed to Liverpool to see Ron James on his Pedal to the Metal tour. We enjoyed a great supper of chinese food and conversation then made our way to the Astor Theatre for the show. His was on his game and we were gasping for air from the first few moments. Fun on so many levels!
Today I stuffed a couple of stockings for the Souls Harbour RESCUE Mission which helps homeless men on the city streets. Filled them with practical personal care products and treats, added a crocheted cap as well. Sure was in keeping with the reason for the season.