Happy wellness anniversary to me....it was two years ago today that I had my oncology surgery and began my journey down the path of recovery. I choose to remember 2016 as the year I was gifted with two grandchildren and my 60th birthday and not focus on the other 'stuff'. It makes one appreciative of the things which really matter and although I have survivor guilt as I remember some others on my way, it has made me understand those with cancer are all on different paths. We can't change the story endings and although we don't have to like them, we must accept how they roll out. I continue to live my life as if I have less than six months of it left....hoping for decades here people, don't think I'm whining...meaning not sweating the small stuff.
Well...that is, unless your pay deposit threatened, in which case....take cover. In an effort to appear more positive, let me give credit where it is due and acknowledge that I did receive my vacation pay from September 2017, again with a heartfelt anonymous apology and by the end of the day last Monday off cycle deposit. A girl has to pump up her vacation account you know. This pay was again a struggle as there was confusion as to who was approving my time as entered. Ultimately it was the NIC (my former jobshare partner) working over in the next community but...since I had entered my time early in the week, so as to avoid a last minute rush (cut off for approval is noon Friday) I was punished by having it caught in purgatory, proclaiming 'pending approval' and unable to be approved - the irony is completely lost on me due to my annoyance. Ultimately my benefactor had me remove all the data, clear the program and then resubmit. Mama was not happy but with "do you wanna get paid? then this is what you have to do" ringing in my ears, I forfeited some of my lunch hour and complied. There had best be $ in the account on Friday morning, just sayin. Whining over.
I have been attempting to assist a former coworker in navigating the maze of a northern casual position. Yes, the arctic is critically short staffed, but completely dysfunctional when it comes to fixing the problem. There was a CBC article this week about 11 nurses who earned over $100,000 in overtime (not base pay) last yr. the overtime payout for healthcare is measured in millions. After months of persistence, various approaches, provision of local contact info and a good bit of research my colleague was awarded a telephone interview on Thursday. She was nervous and sleepless for three nights before and then was surprised to find the interview was very basic and only 10 questions as she updated me afterwards. On Friday I received an anguished message from her telling me how disappointed she was, that she thought she'd done well and had really wanted to work north. I was surprised to think she felt she'd hear from them so promptly, stating that if she'd heard by the first of the week I'd consider that amazing and she shared that she'd been promised a reply by Thursday afternoon if she'd passed. I had a good belly laugh over that one "ha ha ha you believed her too" I told her. Yesterday afternoon I received a jubilant message that she had received acceptance. Well of course she did - they may be dysfunctional but not stupid, and recognize someone who they need. We had a lengthy chat today about some of the logistics and will get together at home for a Northern Packing 101 session in August. Nice to see someone on their way. I assured her that the time moved quickly as I'm at the contract half way point this week already...how did that happen?
We managed to get the glycol pump turned off to the boiler and so the tropical temperatures necessitating fans at night, windows open and no blankets was mediated. Of course today it's -1c with snow flurries but we have opted to add layers vs return to the equatorial conditions. The spring is almost four weeks later than last year this time and an elder told me that this year is more like it used to be before the warming. The snow is receding, the roads are less crawly and there are huge puddles which kids wade in next to the snowbanks....hardy souls that they are. There are cracks and puddles just beginning in the sea ice, but it's still safe for skidoo travel. Maybe.....bug season won't happen until after I leave in mid July......
Today I looked out the kitchen window and saw a large flock of snow geese on the grass in front of
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kitchen view |
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Allen's creek |
This week I entertained the Doc and her hubby who came to the hamlet on a working vacation. She had purchased plane tickets in a community fundraiser and so they trekked to the neighbouring community overnight where my buddy entertained them and they explored Ulukhaktuk then caught the flight here on Tuesday pm. The flight was delayed and I received text updates from the Dr advising first the workers didn't know how to figure out the freight weight and then a baby needed to be changed (a task best done on the ground not the close quarters of a Beechcraft 1900) I reassured her this wasn't a problem. She disclosed that she was worried about getting the half & half (blend to us Maritimers) to me for the creamed lobster we were having for supper. I advised that the cream was the final step, no worries. We enjoyed creamed lobster on toast, carrots, some wine they provided and cranberry squares (the berries didn't do well on their trip in and had to be cooked). I had called the COOP for pickup of the physician and husband and was told "our truck is broken" so my coworker did the honours in the health centre SUV. In exchange for staying in the empty health centre apartment (vs the $280/pp per night at the B&B) for two days, our physician did a short clinic, a home visit and settled some paperwork for us. Her husband explored the village, we searched for the 4wheeler key and eventually found it, but not before one an Inuk elder advised that you could likely Google how to start it without a key...cultures coinciding. Our guest attempted to get the 4wheeler (which hadn't moved since my hubby used it last spring) running but it likely had water in the gas as it wouldn't run and had a flat tire anyway. He went for a walk after I assured him the polar bears were all busy keeping house out on the ice. The loan of the health centre vehicle allowed them to explore out to Mary Sachs, but the fog suddenly came in, limiting those incredible cliff views. The second supper we feasted on musk ox steak contributed by my NIC friend, baked potatoes, salad they brought, more wine and chocolate they had packed. The exercise addicts with protein shakes and food restrictions aka my coworker and her husband did not attend and it was their loss.
My NIC buddy was obviously having a rough week in the next community because on Wednesday
she phoned and asked me to have the Dr here (who was seeing a patient at the time I advised) text the Dr in Inuvik who was doing a telehealth to Ulu as he didn't understand how to work the volume. She also messaged me with other instructions and when I added if she still wanted me to do that task, she barked "I want you to ask the Dr stat because I've got three patients here for telehealth" I complied. My cohort is very fond of scones, in fact they are a part of the exit plan whenever I leave. On Thursday the flight stops in Ulu on the way to Inuvik so I baked cranberry scones at lunchtime, packed them in a box with a note that said "anyone who uses stat and telehealth in the same command is suffering and should take scones prn, good thing I love you" I had the Dr 'carry them across' as is the term here for parcels such as country food, babies etc to avoid paying freight charge or having them squashed. We've talked for some time about air freighting my baking and were pleased it worked. We had a chat about her scheme to come work here for a couple of days before I leave so we can hang out and plan our future. She's pretty sharp, it might come to pass.
she phoned and asked me to have the Dr here (who was seeing a patient at the time I advised) text the Dr in Inuvik who was doing a telehealth to Ulu as he didn't understand how to work the volume. She also messaged me with other instructions and when I added if she still wanted me to do that task, she barked "I want you to ask the Dr stat because I've got three patients here for telehealth" I complied. My cohort is very fond of scones, in fact they are a part of the exit plan whenever I leave. On Thursday the flight stops in Ulu on the way to Inuvik so I baked cranberry scones at lunchtime, packed them in a box with a note that said "anyone who uses stat and telehealth in the same command is suffering and should take scones prn, good thing I love you" I had the Dr 'carry them across' as is the term here for parcels such as country food, babies etc to avoid paying freight charge or having them squashed. We've talked for some time about air freighting my baking and were pleased it worked. We had a chat about her scheme to come work here for a couple of days before I leave so we can hang out and plan our future. She's pretty sharp, it might come to pass.
My addiction with crocheting play food is continuing and it's getting in the way of creating photobooks before the voucher expires, reading any of the ebooks I've downloaded or studying the TB manual for my goal of TB nurse contracts as my month long quest has advanced from harassing the territorial recruiter to awaiting contact from the TB program hiring person....stay tuned. I posted some of my work on one of the online crochet sites and received compliments including "awesome" which stroked my ego. Just finished two waffles, designing pasta and am in the midst of creating a cheeseburger having accomplished the lettuce, cheese and hamburg patty, just gotta conquer the bun so must sign off now and I leave you with some links to explore for your entertainment.