Monday, July 7, 2008

And three, two, one

When the previous update was almost a week ago – you know I’ve been busy – and this week that’s an understatement. But we’re into the countdown now with only three more sleeps to go until departure – and this one will be an abbreviated version as it’s past midnight so I’ll make this brief.

There was generalized confusion this a.m. as the shore captain got two boats ready to go fishing. As we had a BBQ last evening, which involved lots of food, wine and visiting of friends until almost midnight he was a bit fuzzy when he got up at 4 a.m. When he tried to get the prodigal son up, the only person he woke was me. At 5 a.m. the Manor called for the baby daughter to work a long day and she said brightly “I’d love to” to the RN calling – I could imagine the smile on her face, as this is the exact opposite of the reaction usually. By the time the alarm called me and I managed to drive the boy out of his nest and into action felt like I’d put in a long day myself already.

I’ve finally decided that I have the presentations the way I’m going to go with them. It’s kind of like writing a term paper where at some point you just have to say to yourself “that’s it, I’m finished” and submit. I’ve saved them to a flashstick, they’re on the computer and tomorrow I’ll burn a CD and print my notes.

In order to try out my PowerPoint presentations on the projector at work as I worked in the district facility today, I had to have the cleaner let me in to the conference room, attempt to log on to the network – unsuccessfully and of course enough times that I had to call the help desk. I first spoke to the tech before I lost cell signal, but since I’d told her where I was she made a house call and then I had to have my password reset which means you have to think of a password which is more than 8 letters which you’ve not used in the past two years (we were previously changing our passwords monthly so there’s an accumulated list) while she stood over my shoulder. All this because someone plugged the network cord into the wrong outlet this a.m. At any rate when I finally got on the presentations looked fine so I was reassured.

I stopped at Staples to see if there was a battery to fit my laptop and after much online searching they located one at a cost of $225 + tax – this is as much as I paid for the computer itself. I don’t think so. I managed to run into two of my nursing classmates today while in my old stomping grounds so filled them in on my travel plans and they were suitably impressed. Always good to run into familiar friendly faces.

Talked to the soon to be Red Deer daughter this evening and she was out to a Trews concert as the Calgary Stampede is on now. She checked out a basement apartment in Red Deer and it sounds like a good fit for a not big city gal. She had a great boost at work where a customer sent a very complimentary email to management about her and her boss so she got a nice letter from a senior manager and a $25 Safeway gift card – not a usual event in healthcare so it really impressed me. Glad to see they realize how talented she is. Too bad more employers didn’t take that approach.

Must run and shut my eyes for what’s left of the night to get ready for tomorrow. Mister has been threatened that tomorrow is packing night – he still considers it early if it’s even one day before leaving.