Thursday, September 6, 2012


Unpackers? My niece (and family) have moved back to the province from Ottawa and she mentioned that the unpackers would be arriving on Thursday as they're moving into their PMQ (military housing) this week. Unpackers? I could sure have used those in my move to the new house. What about bringing in the groceries and putting them away? How about the laundry off the line, folded and in the closets and bureaus. I will have to ask her how the unpackers worked out for her at the BBQ we're having this weekend. 

I had a rather unpleasant encounter with Amazon today as I had downloaded a new novel to my Kindle entitled The Light Between Two Oceans. It sounds like a good read and I was pleased with myself until about ten minutes after I'd spent the $16.22 and downloaded it to my Kindle only to receive an email from advertising it on their best seller list for $11.99. Do the math and you can see that I paid $4.23 more than that. When I did live chat with the 'help' feature April Lyn told me that 1) the price I paid was Canadian 2) I received the emails quoting a lower American price as I bought books from Amazon 3) there were duties, tariffs and taxes in various countries which set the price. I was very unimpressed and told her that with the Canadian dollar at par with the US dollar I was being majorly ripped off, that I didn't wish to receive any more emails taunting me after I'd been stupid enough to pay more for the same book and they could all take a flying leap. My nerves. 

Actually, that wasn't the only unpleasant encounter as I also took Stanley and Gary for a checkup. The local vet has hired a young, blonde, very sincere vet to work with her. She advised that Gary's obesity (he gained 3 lbs since his last checkup to make 22 lbs of cat) is not just about appearances but his health. She has prescribed a weight loss regime and was very firm about it. She vaccinated both felines and I put Gary back in the large cardboard carrier. Unfortunately (and likely due to his weight) the handle on the carrier broke so I took Stanley out to the car, leaving him at the desk in the clinic. When I returned for him, a large friendly dog was sniffing the box. I put the carrier in the car and started for home, noticing a funky odour. Yep, when I went to take mister out of his cardboard carrier you guessed it - one large cat turd, footprints all over the bottom and a very distressed Gary shot out. My nerves.

To end the post with sad news is not perhaps the best way but it is important to honour a good friend who lost his battle with health problems this evening. He was such a fighter that it's hard to believe he has finally slipped away. His sense of humour and dry wit will certainly be missed, as well as his technical assistance. Thinking of his family of course.