Friday, December 21, 2018

Holiday Wishes

As we're into the holiday countdown now, a quick update.

I've managed (with a couple of extended evenings) to complete the craft projects on my list. The house and tree are decorated, the outside projection lights are up. The wrapping (including the projects built in Santa's workshop aka shore captain) is completed and I'll tell you that doll furniture is NOT easy to keep from poking through the edges! I've baked apple and mincemeat pies and frozen the chocolate cheesecake - to keep it safe. I'm heading out now to brave the crowds for a final grocery shop.

Today I'm capturing the grandson at school dismissal and we're heading to the airport to pick up his auntie who is flying in from Ottawa for five fun filled but all too short days of festivities. The excitement in Ontario and Nova Scotia is building as although we've visited the capital, she hasn't been home in over a year. There is even talk of stopping for garlic fingers on the way home.

We'll be joined by one set of offspring from the city this weekend who are visiting both branches of their families. The large extended family gathering is here on Sunday, complete with photographer to capture all the generations and with the weather forecast of wind/rain it should make for good attendance by the lobstering crowd. By Christmas Eve it'll just be the three of us having a quiet holiday. The working nurse will host the family on Boxing Day in the city and then we'll take the oldest back to the airport that evening.

After all the get togethers, it'll be time for me to drag out my northern stuff and pack for my next adventure as my first flight is January 2. I've received the travel guidelines from GN and they will pay for two 50 lb. bags only so....after the essentials it'll be whatever food I have space/weight for. So....a two hour flight (leaving at 1 pm not 7am) Halifax to Ottawa and overnight visit, Ottawa to Iqaluit is a 3.5 hr flight then a two hour flight to Clyde River. A much more manageable commute with the bonus visit. Due to flight schedules on the return in February I'll be overnighting in Iqaluit (chance to visit buddies there) as well as Ottawa. I was tickled to see that the travel email included instructions to 'Matthew' to arrange for my pickup in Clyde River...made me feel like Anne of Green Gables, except that I'm Ann without an E. Getting excited for the next chapter...

Hopefully an update before I head to the tundra. In the meantime have a wonderful holiday with family, friends and good food.