Yeehaw! The brown spot is gone… I was getting kind of tired of the scab on my face and yesterday when I sought reassurance from the life partner as to whether it was noticeable, he says in his usual renaissance man NOT style “well it isn’t any worse than lots of things other people walk around with on their faces” How’s that for Mr. Sensitivity eh? Now I have a toonie sized circle of pink, tender new skin on the upper left side of my cheek, just under my eye. And boy is it ever tender. The final remnant of scab was ‘encouraged’ to detach today (it was Day 13 after all and time to go) and this is the result. Think I can camouflage the difference in color until the epidermis regrows. The circle isn’t raised and the edges of the two layers of skin will likely smooth out so I shouldn’t be left with a permanent reminder of my encounter with the dermatologist. Guess this is what they go to medical school for all those years, to be able to keep the promises they make. I’m pretty impressed. Mind you, it will likely require 120 SPF sunscreen, a hat and shade seeking to not get a nasty sunburn on it in the Caribbean.
Today at work I was paper shredding extensively with the personal shredder I keep in my office. One of my co-workers hearing the whirring came to the door smiling and asked if I was “preventing identify theft?” I told her if anyone assumed my identity they wouldn’t be long returning it - it’s too much work, too little money and way too much angst in one package for anyone else to put up with. I don’t think that had occurred to her, but upon reflection she agreed and retreated.
Apparently the reno work today at the boat shop went well with the # 1 son describing it as now ‘looking like a boat’ Not sure what it’s been looking like previous to this but I must arrange to head down with the camera tomorrow after work for an update. The ‘boy’ had a offer of a site fishing today which met with his approval as it will lead to an apprenticeship for his Master Class IV and as I told his father “it’s a good thing we have nine feet ceilings here in the house as he’s floating about two feet off the floor and is almost six feet tall”

Tonight for the first time in a while (since the ‘burn’ had healed) I indulged in one of our
decadences splurged on when we were building the house - the sauna. It's a radiant heat sauna (so no steam) which plugs into a regular 110 V outlet (they can be moved but we built ours in) and they are supposed to have all kinds of health benefits. Soul benefits I say. Decadent doesn’t begin to describe a Patricia Cornwell novel, a glass of wine and 30 minutes of relaxation at 140 F in a cedar scented sauna. Bliss. The only wrinkle were two attempts at break and enter by a 14 pound cat who made a valiant attempt at opening the door. Well near bliss then.
I've had responses from some loyal readers saying they weren't able to leave a comment on the blog. Since I risked appearing like a journalist who doesn't entertain opposing views I investigated and discovered that I had inadvertently disallowed comments. Think I have that setting adjusted now. It's one thing to be a benevolent dictator but another to censor others views.
Am just thinking, this day next week I’ll have just finished visiting Costa Maya in Mexico (likely a shore excursion to Mayan ruins) and will be finishing up a late supper and getting ready for a show. Getting close now.