Well since we’re into the countdown now… it’s getting difficult to concentrate on the every day details such as work etc. The listless situation was encouraged as well by the email message I received from the Manager of the The Pines Retirement Home in Grand Cayman about a tour of the facility on April 13th - retirement planning 101. One of those days when I just didn’t feel like starting a big new project so I was tying up loose ends in the office. I spoke to one of the managers at lunch time and she mentioned that my boss was coming to our site for a presentation at 1 p.m. “so clean yourself up” she tells me. I was on my best behavior by the time she arrived. However shortly after she left by 3 p.m. I’d called it in, decided to ‘flex’ my day by taking an hour of time in lieu and blew that Popsicle stand.
When I arrived at the boat shop to be the official photographer my spouse says “what’s this, are you on a work to rule campaign today, it’s only 4 p.m.? “Reached my limit an hour before my day was done” I admitted so here I am. Thought I should take a photo to document the boat building process. The air was thick with ground fiberglas dust and the smell of resin and the noise levels were well above legislated OH&S allowable limits. There is no way I’d make it through the weeks required to do this retrofit. When I asked about the schedule for completion the man of the hour tells me that they’ll relaunch the boat the end of next week and by the next weekend he’ll be lobstering. Now you have a look at the state of affairs and tell me that he’s not delusional. Can’t do it can you?
I contacted the travel agent today regarding an emergency number to leave and she tells me that it’s about $8 per minute for someone to call you ship to shore and $13 per minute for calling off the ship, much cheaper to do shore side. I advised her I was just looking for an emergency contact number and I NEVER call home for the past 15 years or so. When I was doing my first aid instructor course in Dartmouth in 1991 and staying with my brother and his family for a week he encouraged me to call home on Wednesday evening. The kids were aged two to six years old. I phoned home and you couldn’t hear yourself think, I’m sure the man of the house never even knew the phone had rung. The oldest answered and said “this is awful, when are you coming home?” I advised her on Friday and she says “Bub sat on the chair and pooped in his pants and Dad spanked all of us, this is not good”.. So, I reassured her, quietly put down the phone and made myself a promise which I’ve had no trouble keeping to NOT phone home.
Just now I had a look in the mirror when washing my face and… I have managed somehow (since I returned home) to develop a conjunctival hemorrhage in the inside corner of my left eye. Isn’t affecting my vision but sure looks awful. And here I was concerned about the spot on my face. My best guess it was the exercise routine that did it - must have been the torture or maybe all that awful air quality at the boat shop, my eye does resemble my spouse's. Hopefully that will clear somewhat before we head out on our big adventure. Must head off to bed to rest the eyes.
Just one more work day and then it's straight ahead for ten days off!