Even beautiful weekends have to come to an end and this week will not be a four day one so I have decided I just need to suck it up and get through it. I’m on the road the first two days and then a consultant visits to do fit testing of N95 masks on Wednesday . A full week.
The youngest daughter and I will be setting off on a road trip on Friday for an overnight in Fredericton to check out University of New Brunswick campus and the Bachelor of Nursing program. Since this is at least a 6 hr. drive and the meet and greet starts at 8:30 p.m. it will mean taking off Friday afternoon a few hours early. Time in lieu is not a problem with all the activity lately and HAVING to be somewhere else on Friday p.m. is not a bad thing. We’ll stay overnight in residence, do the orientation on Saturday and head back as far as Halifax to stay overnight with daughter # 2. This will give us some time for a visit and a chance to break up the drive. So it will be a busy weekend.
Got to meet the mother of baby daughter’s main man today as she came to pick him up. She’s a Nurse Practitioner locally and we were commiserating with each other about the M word and how much extra work it’s creating for ALL of us. They’re having a new house built so I gave her the tour here and she was highly impressed with the in-house interior designer who today was multitasking and lobstering.
My pink African violet and Christmas cactus are both blooming in my office. They actually flower fairly frequently and every time they do I’m reminded of my friend who has abandoned us and moved out west. How dare she? They’re part of the outward migration that has made new communities of Maritimers out there and I’m so glad that she and her family are doing well but driving by their old place here isn’t the same.
Have made a tentative appointment for a photo shoot for our bios for cruise ship speaking. This will depend on the schedule of my travel mate as she’s back from a week on an offshore island and before she leaves with a group of women for a trip to New York city. Working would only get in the way of all that social life.
Succeeded in walking the dog without any antisocial behavior on either of our parts. And this was amazing considering one of the summer neighbours was here for the Memorial Day weekend to open up the family home. They bring a large lab and two weimaraners (all the size of small ponies) with them . The photo and description here will tell you why they run to the edge of the lawn and challenge us when we sprint by:

Description: The Weimaraner or "Silver Ghost" is a picture of grace, speed, stamina, alertness and balance. A one-family dog that is reserved with strangers he will make a good watchdog. He requires an owner who has a firm, no-nonsense approach who will take time to train and socialize him. Boundless energy, tireless, driven and a remarkable sense of smell make him a great hunting dog. Known to hunt for as long as six hours at a time. When well trained the Weimaraner is a confident and assertive dog who makes a wonderful companion.
But today they were preoccupied with gaining access to the house, stood looking in the top window of the screen door and didn’t notice us as we scooted by undetected.
Managed to finish up a few pages of scrap booking on the house construction - am installing in the in-floor heating now. So all in all a nice wrap up to two days off.