As you can see by the photo on the right the PROJECT is slowly taking shape. I am certain that when the stage was assembled for the Rolling Stones concert on the Commons last fall in Halifax there was less p

lanning required. This thing has taken on a life of it's own. It's not often that someone would welcome precipitation but because it rained today I was spared the painting after work ordeal. Actually rain is an understatement as we had some wild weather last night. Had to be if it woke me up. The thunder and lightening were + + intense with heavy rain for several hours. Apparently there were 2500 hits across the province. The power was temporarily out here but for various lengths of time locally. And just as I'd finally settled back to sleep the shore captain's alarm went off at 4:15 a.m. as he'd headed over to the wharf and forgotten to turn it off. Now the confusion of trying to figure out what the noise was and how to turn it off was overwhelming. Short night followed by icky day at work. The final straw was when the photocopier ate my work twice 15 minutes before the end of the day and the second time I yelled arrghh loudly so the receptionist across the hall in Mental Health sprinted out and said with a grin "do you need mental help assistance?" which I'm guessing is her standard line. I assured her I most certainly do and that the copier is the least of my worries lately! She was relieved to find out I wasn't going to copy anything else after she got me sorted out.
Work related stressors in part caused me to impulsively stop off at friends on the way home to decompress. Had a nice visit and a cup of tea and was half ways civilized to enter the house an hour late.
But tomorrow has a forecast of showers (non painting day) and there is a local auction. Here's the link:
I have limited myself the past couple of years from attending auctions and yard sales due to the downsizing but the excuse this time is to check out a needed bureau for daughter # 1. If nothing looks promising I'll be home early and anyway it's always a chance to catch up on the local news. The rule is that something has to go if I'm going to bring something new into the house so planning is required. Will keep you posted.