As it turned out (not as predicted) the weather was great for a goodbye party / deck warming this afternoon as the drizzle cleared, the sun came out and the breeze settled. I was thinking of including a photo of us all enjoying the burgers, dogs, salads and desserts on the new deck or perhaps the youngest nephew entertaining all his cousins and their friends but instead have opted for a shot of the star of the show where baby daughter's boyfriend is demonstrating his hula hoop techinque. The rest of us either never knew how to do this, have forgotten or are pretending we have as we don't want to hurt ourselves. Amazing he was able to do this after all the hotdogs, hamburgers and cake he put away. The guest of honor got some lovely gifts and $ which will be put to good use after the next few days.
Nice to have this event, followed by a bonfire farewell party for a classmate today as the dental surgery is the event of the day tomorrow (so much for solid food). This is beginning much earlier than the goodbye girl has been used to getting up on days off so she won't need to be sedated much. I am thrilled to not have to go in to work and it sad that even tranporting offspring for surgery is preferable.
We are in transition again as daughter # 2 has arrived, deposited her belongings and gone to stay with her sister (#1 daughter) overnight. I feel like a storage unit here and the trips are getting closer to being ticked off the list.