I was surprised to find the prodigal son at the house after an absence of a few weeks, bearing a bouquet of flowers, candy, card and a scented candle. Indications are he had help from the girlfriend as his personal shopper. He was looking forward to the upcoming lobster season and of course had his wages spent already.
I was further surprised by the first-born daughter, her man, the life partner and me having supper at Charlotte Lane Café. Here’s the website to check it out for those ‘come from aways’ who have never had the pleasure:
Yummy as usual and with great company too. The daughter was accompanied by more flowers, placements and napkins AND the gift to strut… a t-shirt from the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic where a pirate theme this year for the Tall Ships produced a black t-shirt with white skull and crossbones and lettering which reads “the beatings will continue until morale improves” Perfect for Casual Fridays in the work environment I find myself.
Lots of birthday greetings from near and far including a birthday card from baby daughter with a gift certificate for lunch at Charlotte Lane Café, an unexpected treat. I had waited to open a gift from my ‘down the road’ friend, which was a lovely collection of bulbs for my new flowerbeds and a pan of apple brown betty. Yum.
All the attention almost made it worth getting older. Nicer than usual way to end out the week for sure.
A Saturday morning sleep in which still left time to catch up on the domestic responsibilities of laundry, dog walking (the 2nd highest tides of the year meant the dog swam alongside in the harbour as I walked on the shoulder of the road – what a beautiful early fall day), feeding animals, chatting with daughter # 1 and packing for a spontaneous overnight sprint to camp. The leaves are just beginning to turn fluorescent and we stopped to let a deer which looked like this years calf, snack on grass and move slowly off into the trees. Took us less than 90 minutes from door to door and the tension just melted away upon arrival in the wilderness.
Reading the Saturday paper with amazing winter travel deals, followed by a Kathy Reichs paperback enjoyed in the warm sunshine of the veranda. Doesn’t get much better than that! Unless it’s this beautiful sunset over Wagner Lake – nirvana:
Still a nice autumn day at the house but more chores requiring attention. Why are the weekends so short and the work week so long?