Kilburne House is a great Bed & Breakfast if you’re looking to stay in Fredericton. It’s a family home with an unpretentious bunch looking after it and you. Here’s the website to check it out:
The weather was glorious and so Saturday morning I headed downtown for a stroll. It’s amazing that Fredericton hasn’t lost the downtown core as most cities. There are lots of neat little shops. I found a digital photo transfer program for $5 at a photography shop, a book on writers for $7 at a great bookstore.
A photo to prove that I headed on to the Farmers Market by just following the wonderful aromas. This ve
There were multigenerational families speaking many languages, warm sunshine, great smells and so I sat and ate three warm fried wontons (yes that was how much change I had left from all my bargains) with sweet & sour sauce made from apple, pumpkin, vinegar, sugar and corn starch. I shared a folding table with some 20 somethings who were discussing moving out of the family home. “Oh yes, I visit my parents every week or so when I go for supper and I call frequently” “Do you have them over for supper?” “Well…I did it once, I had meant to do it once a week but it’s too much work”. I hid my smile as I though ‘good thing it’s not too much work for your mother’. Their conversation moved on to university life, international students and food as I gathered up my purchases and moved on with chatter everywhere as folks reconnected “you had a good summer?” Fredericton is a very literate, academic city I thought as I headed to the B&B to stash my goodies.
Spent a few hours in the sun on the River Trail reading my Canadian Nurse Journal before handing it over to the nursing student and almost finishing my Great Influenza book. We did the ‘shopping for supplies’ run at WalMart and supper at Mexicali Rose’s (which was funded by the boyfriend in exchange for his first aid card costs. Good to see that the students are doing well all around settling in and keeping on top of things. I had a call from a former co-worker who lives in the area and so we caught up on all the news at a Tim Hortons’ and before we knew it the time was 10:30 p.m.
The trip back Sunday was uneventful and I dropped the future Respiratory Tech off at his apartment and headed to Word on the Street at the Cunard Centre. There was hardly a parking place to be found as the Grand Princess cruise ship was docked plus all the festivities. I found two neat scrapbooking manuals and picked up a John LeCarre novel for the shore captain. It was a big crowd but I was tired and ready to head home. Made it in the door by 5:30 pm in time to start my evening routine.
It was sure tough to head out for work this morning and harder still as it unfolded. Lots of bad things happening, lots of unhappy people, and too many places for this old girl to be at one time. An email update from daughter # 3 to advise that the boyfriend had left his cold with her in NB and she was feeling rotten. Nice. Tomorrow has got to be more fun. Scrapbooking in the evening and I’ve got taco soup (from the Ledgehill cookbook I bought) for supper made so things are looking up.