The saga of the oil tank continues. I downloaded the oil tank installation regulations from the government website (all 30 pages in total of them) which direct in part that the oil presently in the tank should not be replaced but new fuel used. Now since the potential buyers have negotiated owning the oil in the tank, this essentially means not only are we replacing the tank and setup but two full tanks of fuel as we are on an automatic fill schedule.
Added to the requirements are that the installer be certified and a check of the aforementioned website lists only two installers in our county (neither are the Irving Oil tradesperson who has always done our work and is the one who has been approached for this job) So I phone Irving Oil in Saint John, after I inadvertently call Samaritans Purse with the number my life partner gives me (apparently he should not be left alone in the office when the secretary isn’t there) and ask about the installer’s credentials. The call center employee advises me that “he must be qualified or he wouldn’t be able to work for us” so I ask to see some proof of that or speak to someone who can verify it. She again repeats that “he must be” so I explain that folks waiting to have me give them an injection would not be impressed if my employer said “oh she must be an RN she works for us” as I am required to submit annual proof that I am qualified. Our conversation ended shortly after that when she brightly asked if she could do anything else for me as if she’d done anything to begin with! I phoned Dept of Labour & Environment and was told “just because someone works for Irving Oil don’t count on them being certified” was given two more DOEL phone numbers to call – still waiting to hear back from them. Then a co-worker related a horror story where friends had to reinstall an oil tank due to insurance requirements (sound familiar?) and the installer although certified was not insured. Something went wrong with the installation, there was a leak requiring remediation and…. their insurer is refusing to cover the remediation as the homeowner hired someone without insurance (in fact they didn’t ask about this). It does make you wonder what a homeowner’s policy covers eh?
So the outcome of my attempt at due diligence was instructions for the shore captain to view the credentials and insurance of the prospective tradesperson….or else! And I feel confident that he realizes I will carry out whatever threat I’m making this week as it would be whatever that clause is where women go homicidal with PMS and are not criminally responsible. It could happen!
When I visited my Mom today the Recreation person asked if I could give her details for the social history so I gave her the historical perspective. It was sad to think of all her losses but I guess one way to look at is that she once had a much fuller life than many do. For a woman to have an education, which not only included nursing but a postgraduate specialty is likely equal to your nursing degree now. When I explained we were talking about when she was an RN she said “but I still am” What can you say to that?
Thinking of maturity and the life cycles I am posting the following visual funny forwarded by a mature friend with the title …How Quickly the Years Pass