Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh no, I can't go

When I looked at my appointment book this morning and discovered that I was already registered for a workshop in the city for one of the dates of the Woods Hole meeting to say I was disappointed was an understatement. It had seemed like such a good idea when I had requested to go and the ironic part is the topic is Conflict Management Skills for Women. The only conflict is with my recreational activities. So it appears that the man will be traveling with usual group.

This really makes me want to qualify for the cruise speaking spot this fall. I adjusted the topic list as requested and submitted it last night. This morning I received a message saying the account manager had put everything together and submitted a proposal to the cruise line. So, we shall see. I'm still a bit wary as I'm wondering why all the Maritime cruises disappeared from the website but negative thoughts are not helpful so....

I had started organizing for packing but first that meant doing laundry, which meant putting away clothes, then trying on what I'd like to take, getting down the suitcases and measuring them, by then the bedtime of the lobster fisherman arrived get the picture - I'm going to pack tomorrow night.

Yesterday as I was driving home there was a report of two lobster fishermen lost near Halifax as they hadn't been seen since early a.m. hauling traps and then debris from the boat was spotted. A search team had been organized to look for the father and son. I got an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach and thought of their family and community. Today as I was making my way home the news reported that RCMP divers had recovered both of their bodies near the boat which was sitting on bottom and interviewed a nephew who had identified them. I cried. That is way too close to home.

After dropping off a car trunk full of books at the local second hand book shop and packing up two bags for the hospital thrift shop I am making progress in sorting out the cupboards. I must get myself off line as I'm awaiting a report as to how the trip to Red Deer went.