Mothers Day was lovely what with a phone call from the Albertan daughter, and local visits from the nearer offspring. I even managed to have the man of the house cook breakfast for me although I heard him later explaining to one of the kids that I’d come around the corner just as he just got the bacon and eggs cooked so he felt he had to give them to me.
Although the planned scrapbooking last evening was modified to accommodate only the internal crafters (due to busyness and illness of invited guests it will be rescheduled) I was pleased to complete my cruise album. Always good to be able to move on to other projects.
I spent Monday in the district facility and it was never ending. It is also one of three days I have to travel there this week. But as I convince myself that facing work in the morning is not THAT bad I found this quote:
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. - Oscar Wilde