I left work on Friday and made it to Halifax, despite a rotten drive with lots of rain, fog and traffic arriving in time to get ready and head over to Dartmouth for a wine and cheese / air quality education session - now there's a combination for you. Stayed over with daughter # 2 and the grankitty Hank was good company although he is not a big fan of the air mattress. I headed out in the morning to Cora's for breakfast with an OHN colleague. She treated as I was doing the Cruise Speaking 101 session for her. We had a great visit and I think she's seriously considering the gig - she'd do just fine. I headed over to a scrapbooking store which is going out of business so good deals on supplies I NEEDED and then off to Michaels to check out more crafting so have a few things picked up for Christmas. What a busy place the city was on Saturday. Guess folks were in the holiday shopping mode.
I had to head back by mid afternoon as it was my debut for working the local fire department bingo. Hadn't worked the canteen for about 10 years and had never worked the floor. At least it's smoke free now. I managed to be out $4.50 from selling the cards which set me off but my teacher reassured me that another neighbour was out $14 last week and was most upset. I had no clue (as I don't play) how to find out what numbers were marked, how to call the numbers back and settle the payments. And let me tell you, those bingo players are not a forgiving lot! A humbling experience for one who considers herself able to handle most situations. The good news is I only have to subject myself to this experience every seven weeks.
Had a nice chat with daughter # 1 last night and she says she's really enjoying her job at the bank - can't ask for anything more than that. Good to see all the off spring getting themselves sorted out and on their way.
Today I spent my solitude scrapbooking, walking the dog, eating what and when I wanted and generally puttering. Very fulfilling. I had plans to contact my cruise travel partner when I thought she'd be up from working last night but got caught up in a project so didn't follow through on the impulse. I discovered too late as I didn't check my email until 7 pm that there was a writing group meeting tonight which they had forgotten to notify us about. I was slightly peeved as it was only 1/2 hour away instead of over an hour as sometimes and there's nothing else on this weekend and I even have the place to myself. Oh well, I have saved on gas.
Speaking of writing, I've requested The Flying Troutmans from the library, which is Miriam Toews latest book. If you haven't read any of her work you really should as she's excellent. One of those make you laugh out loud types. I have just passed on The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch which again is a must read. It sounds morbid as he's giving his a Carnegie Mellon lecture and is terminal but it's an excellent read and only slightly sad in some places as it has a great message about living not dying. The list of 'must reads' is growing daily. To anyone who thinks they'd be bored being retired I'm mystified as to why.
And speaking of getting older....only Maxine can sum up the situation we're facing.