I needed that pep talk as this week at work has been a REALLY bad one (and that’s considering they’re usually pretty unfun to begin with. Can’t imagine that other options would be that much worse. I saw an ad in the newspaper on the weekend looking for a healthcare educator in Yellowknife offering $42.07 per hr. plus $2500 annual allowance. They were only looking for two years experience and teaching of a few courses, I’m guessing if you came with some experience/education you could leverage a more generous offer. The Team Leader at work today asked if I was union “no” or management “no” and then said, “oh you don’t really have any authority at all do you?” I assured her that was entirely true and likely accounted for a good bit of the job angst I experience on a daily basis.
Had a nice scrapbooking evening last p.m. and got a bit accomplished but mostly got some inspiration for projects. I’m also looking forward to a trip to the city on Friday/Saturday where I’ll stay with daughter # 2, attend a get together for my professional association, and have breakfast with a colleague who’s thinking of the cruise ship presentation circuit. I have to work bingo at the local fire hall on Saturday night so can’t make it a two-day event. Haven’t done the bingo work thing for years, used to do it to get out of the house when the kids were small, then as they grew I sent them down for experience (slave labour they said) and now that they’re not available the Dept. has rattled my chain. At least it’s smoke free now.
I had an‘in-depth’ conversation with the shore captain this evening as he’s been getting a bit carried away with himself of late. I’m sure many can relate to the exchange below:
Me: what will we have for supper?
He: doesn’t matter
Me: oh, I know, I can make shrimp and pasta,I bought shrimp at Sobeys
He: (while picking up the bag) this is farmed shrimp from Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, oh no this is so polluted it’s full of antibiotics
Me: the stuff has been frozen and will be cooked
He: that doesn’t cook the antibiotics
Me: I cannot believe I am having this discussion with a man who does NOT wear safety glasses while grinding metal or fiberglas and DOESN’T believe in washing his hands yet is concerned about shrimp?
There are courses, which would take a semester to complete on the psychology of risk taking, risk perception and just plain delusional thinking (did you know that plastic – as opposed to glass – cups taste funny? this man could be the case study. The fact that he ate two helpings of supper was just the last straw. Good thing he’s heading back to camp from Friday to Tuesday.
The media are reporting lots of celebrating from south of the border and I’m guessing at least one of our summer neighbours is pleased that Obama is their new president. He was the candidate promising to take a look at the blockade to Cuba which has been in place for decades so this may be good for those friends too.
And since a smile never hurts, I’ll leave you with one:
Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed bycircumstances.
While attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend, Walter and his wife Ann listened to the instructor declare, It is essential that husbands andwives know the things that are important to each other.
He addressed the men, Can you name and describe your wife's favoriteflower?
Walter leaned over, touched Ann's arm gently and whispered, Robin Hood All-Purpose, isn't it?
And thus began Walter's life of celibacy.