Sunday, January 4, 2009

Conquering Flickr

As the weekend draws to a close – sigh – I’m reminded that I should update the blog. It does seem like a good activity for a wintry afternoon as I’m enjoying the sunset over the choppy harbour. It’s been a good weekend, which of course always makes the transition of the ‘back to gainful employment’ in the morning more painful.

I started the weekend off in fine style by having to take the shore captain’s half ton in for servicing at the garage on Friday and with the state of the roads I was more than pleased to have a 4-wheel drive to get me to and fro work. I stopped after work at the library and picked up a copy of Fodor’s Caribbean Cruising guide, which I think is the one I used on my ‘research’ cruise of 2007. Then I went to a massage appointment, which I’d forgotten I had until the reminder call came, so that was a real bonus.

By the time I arrived home after 6 p.m. the man of the house had 1) shopped for and put away the groceries on the list 2) shelled the lobsters he’d saved and cooked and put them in the fridge 3) made supper of baked salmon, sweet potatoes and asparagus and most importantly had cleaned everything up – this part is crucial as the cleaning lady had made her magic visit. At New Years my friend (who also shares the cleaner) and I were discussing whether she was as good as our first one who had deserted us to move out west and we were of the opinion that she was VERY close. But as I assured my friend, she’s just showing off because she’s new, no one can be that good!

I spent Friday evening reviewing my research online and the library reference for the Caribbean. I sure hope the latest dream works out. I’ve been proposed to do a 14-day, 12 port of call, only two sea days (only two presentations) cruise out of Barbados from Feb 21 – Mar 7th. Now that will sure be hard to take with the weather we’ve been having eh? I will post the itinerary if the dream comes true so you can drool. It’s the culmination of doing some trolling which went like 1) being told by the Entertainment Mgr for that account I was rejected by Royal Caribbean out of Bayonne, NJ to the southern Caribbean (the shore captain’s first choice 2) not proposed to Celebrity out of Fort Lauderdale to southern Caribbean as my topics were felt by that Entertainment Mgr. to be “more suited to Maritimes/New England” and 3) now contacting the Entertainment Mgr. who interviewed me and placed me on my last two cruises who told me the special interest speakers were placed but…could I do destination speaking? I chose to do Jamaica/Grand Cayman and Aruba/Bonaire as I’d actually visited Grand Cayman. As I said to the life partner “two of them don’t think my topics are suited to the Caribbean and the other one thinks I’m an expert on the destinations go figure”.

Today’s activities included getting my Flickr account profile completed and uploading a couple of photos to prove to the photographer that I requested access of his Caribbean photos that I am who I say I am. With the struggle with the dialup, posting photos through anything other than the blog is not usually an additional challenge I take on but I’m on a roll now and was not slowing down so five photos later I was legit. It turns out he is a destination speaker as well for Princess so was willing to cooperate, small world eh?

I have spent a low-key weekend with sleeping in, baking, dog walking in the bitter cold, and keeping my resolution of scrapbooking once a week by getting six pages (albeit several were started) completed in my Norway cruise album. Life is good, until the alarm goes off eh?