Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Positive thoughts

Well, have spent the day thinking of a loyal blog reader who had surgery today and am pleased to hear that all has gone well and now into the treatment phase. Positive thoughts to be generated by all reading this and sent Stateside.

Today I again headed to the district facility for meetings, and not unexpectedly came home with a major headache. Due only in part to trying to adjust to my new bifocals. I picked them up and spent at least 20 minutes while the debit machine at the optometrists didn't work, finally writing them a cheque. Apparently....the trick to actually seeing with bifocals is figuring out exactly where to look through the lens - this is going to fun! Taking literally the instruction that "the more you wear them the quicker you'll get used to them" from the clerk, I stuck them on my face and headed off in the car. I am pleased to report that I avoided any MVAs but I'm sure there was some sort of psychic intervention responsible as it quickly became apparent that the stipulation on my glasses requiring corrective lenses was one thing, bifocals are quite another. The edges are blurry, I'm slightly off kilter and I have a stiff neck from attempting to look up or down (usually the wrong space at the wrong distance) to focus. This too shall pass apparently.

I stopped at La Senza and managed after much hunting and foraging to locate one black bra that actually fit. Come on people, this is a lingerie store, you would think it wouldn't be too much to ask for a biege colored bra for crying out loud!

I headed over to Superstore to (again) print my photos for scrapbooking and as I said to the clerk after the resulting 'situation' and angst "you know I'm old enough to know better, what was I thinking?" When I got to the photo center the kiosks were full and so I headed to the first one (the scene of my previous problem) and proceeded to browse through my five CDs guessed it. I was putting in the final disc and the message came up to reboot the system. The female teenager said "oh that one's really old, you should just try another one" gesturing at the others which were now empty. Since I had (slightly) more patience today, I started over, printed my receipt and took it to the counter. The clerk started filling out an envelope struck me - I had selected the one hour feature!! So, now the photos await me on my next trip district trip. I am really not meant to scrapbook my next page which awaits these photos. The clerk very kindly rang in my three tops I'd found in the clearance bin as she said "I'm not supposed to but there's no one here" after taking one look at my face. Now that lady knows how to diffuse a situation.

I arrived home to find the man of the house had done two loads of laundry. This is quite a sentinel event as although he knows how to operate the Maytag stackable set, I honestly can't remember the last time he did except to wash his work clothes. However, he had done a student job - meaning he had jammed all the clothes he could find of any color, texture etc. into two tightly packed loads. You know, wash 50 lbs for $1.25. This resulted in fuzzy black dress slacks and questionable cleanliness of some articles so a selective rewash was clandestinely done. No point in complaining and ensuring that it never happens again is there? And there were no major disasters involving the unwanted transfer of color one to another as could have happened. No gift horses mouths looked into here.

I was surprised today to find a contest being sponsored by the phone company asking for a story about the worst Christmas gift received this year in order to win a prize. I'm thrilled to report that I am unable to enter as I (we) had wonderful, thoughtful, necessary presents so are not in the running. Now if the telecommunication companies would just put their energies into getting some high speed internet out into the rural areas I would be happy.