I had an unbelievable morning on Friday, even by my standards of 'if you can't serve as an example you'll at least have to be a horrible warning' with emotions runn
ing high and various types of crises following me as I rushed out the door to the make the beautiful seaside resort wedding just in time. The clouds and fog lifted for about an hour for the ceremony and the photos as you can see to the right are amazing. The shore captain did not make it to the wedding, which wasn't a surprise but he also opted out of the reception. This, as you might imagine, did not impress me much as Shania Twain has so aptly put it. There was a wonderful crowd of about 60 family and friends, from as far away as New Zealand and Alberta and a scrumptious meal. I was entertained at the table by the groom's rugby team mates and entertained they did!

On Saturday I ran errands, caught up on the phone with my relocated western friend - was horrified to learn that her husband had had a spell but was settled away now, stable and no damage. I was reminded of the time when they were living locally when she had arrived at the house as I was checking her spouse's B/P with her knee pads still on having driven like a maniac from her housecleaning job when she was notified of the event. The couple who were having the cleaning done arrived with the vacuum cleaner in several sections a bit later. Must've been the same sort of situation then. Whew. I did my civic duty by selling bingo books (the cash worked out exactly, apparently an uncommon event with community volunteers working the till) and working the floor. It was a particularly tough crowd who were not impressed with my lack of finesse regarding the finer points of bingo etiquette. Too bad, so fire me eh?
Sunday brought some sun and it's been a while since we saw it here so lots of pink hides noted today, mine included. After I walked the dog I arrived home to find the bride and groom and her sister and husband visiting as they are staying locally for a few days in a set of cottages. We enjoyed their company until we rushed off to the movie with another couple and saw The Hangover which (although a summer movie of which I had little expectations) was screamingly funny and believe me a good dose of funny was called for after last week. The day ended with a call from the baby daughter who is working in her Home Support Worker role in the humidity of Fredericton and moonlighting at Subway. Although it was midnight she was just starting to make apple pan dowdy (takes after her mother and oldest sister night owls) and wondered if it would fit in a pie pan. We had a good catch up as she was explaining her palliative care assignment. Great learning experience for a nursing student.
Today I rushed off to the district facility, checking messages along the way to discover even more crises developing - can't be crises if you're beginning to anticipate them can it? I did the orientation sessions and had one of the staff come attend so she can possibly take on that job, ending at 12:30. It sure would've come in handy today to have an understudy as I had a 3:40 p.m. eye appointment a two and a half hour drive away.
Of course I got in for my opthamologist appointment at 4:55 p.m. after struggling to read the newspaper with my eyes all wonky from drops but he was very thorough with his last visit of the day and I discovered that a) I'm not a high risk for glaucoma except for the family history b) I only need to have my pressure checked by the optometrist every two years or so c) yes my corneas are thicker so that may mean my pressure is not really high at all when the conversion is done d) many people develop glaucoma with a low pressure so it doesn't predict it e) my prescription is not correct in my bifocals and the lenses will have to be changed. Since I have been struggling with my $600 worth of glasses since I got them, this validated that it wasn't the recipient but the equipment. Now the negotiations with the optical company begin, this should be interesting.
I stopped and picked up a bike helmet at Canadian Tire on my return trip and it's a flashy red and white number to match my tuned up bike from last fall's bulletin board purchase. Should announce my arrival in the fog. Making it home at 7 p.m. with an 8 p.m. supper is getting to be a much too regular ritual.