Well, I’m finally able to sit in front of the computer without feeling like I’m on a tilt-a-whirl at the exhibition so I’ll catch up on the details.
Yesterday I discovered that I had vertigo as I attempted to get ready to travel to the district facility (for the first of three days this week which I’m scheduled to be there) and it did not improve as the day wore on. Feeling like more of a space cadet than usual, I left early, thinking a rest might help. I feel asleep trying to read the newspaper and went to bed at 9 p.m. which alarmed the life partner who is accustomed to my padding around at midnight. Today I attempted to attend work but was getting some pretty strange looks from the patients in the waiting room as I staggered through their midst so finally gave it up at 10:30. Stocked up on decongestant and gravol at the drugstore and headed home without doing shoulder checks as that was more unsafe with the vertical hold spinning a la old black and white TV, than a blind spot. After surprising the critters with my arrival, medicating myself and napping for a couple of hours I do feel more human so will likely attempt the day in meetings tomorrow. Anyway, enough whining.
Had a very nice weekend which began with having friends over for dessert and a visit on Friday evenin
g. Sad that it has to be scheduled in order to make it happen with our frantic lives. As you can see the weather has been wet and Gary was this soaked just wandering through the grass. I took in the Farmers Market on Saturday but found it a bit sparse, likely due to the weather as the skies dumped rain and we all ran for cover. I headed up to Frenchy’s to console myself and spent $65 so that was two full garbage bags. Found lots of others escaping the precipitation as well so caught up on the news. Sunday brought sunshine and a nice evening spent with friends at a BBQ. The hula skirts for women and floral bras for the men were a nice touch can’t wait to see those photos. Ahh.
Looking forward to my niece visiting next weekend and bringing down the pre-owned computer which we’re purchasing from them. Will be good to have the puter in the den, hooked up to the printer and all rather than a dead one sitting there collecting dust. Well off to restore my gyroscope horizontally.
Yesterday I discovered that I had vertigo as I attempted to get ready to travel to the district facility (for the first of three days this week which I’m scheduled to be there) and it did not improve as the day wore on. Feeling like more of a space cadet than usual, I left early, thinking a rest might help. I feel asleep trying to read the newspaper and went to bed at 9 p.m. which alarmed the life partner who is accustomed to my padding around at midnight. Today I attempted to attend work but was getting some pretty strange looks from the patients in the waiting room as I staggered through their midst so finally gave it up at 10:30. Stocked up on decongestant and gravol at the drugstore and headed home without doing shoulder checks as that was more unsafe with the vertical hold spinning a la old black and white TV, than a blind spot. After surprising the critters with my arrival, medicating myself and napping for a couple of hours I do feel more human so will likely attempt the day in meetings tomorrow. Anyway, enough whining.
Had a very nice weekend which began with having friends over for dessert and a visit on Friday evenin

Looking forward to my niece visiting next weekend and bringing down the pre-owned computer which we’re purchasing from them. Will be good to have the puter in the den, hooked up to the printer and all rather than a dead one sitting there collecting dust. Well off to restore my gyroscope horizontally.