Actually the shifts I did last Thursday and Friday were fairly decent nights and a surprise (or should I say a gift) with the way they have been going. I was off Saturday morning, slept a bit and the daughter and son-in-law arrived for an overnight visit and to attend her cousin's wedding. We readied for the event and the weather gods smiled as there was no backup plan for the outdoor event. It was a bit unique (camouflage shirts and ball caps for the men in the wedding party and very dressy outfits for the ladies) but to each her own. We visited with family, partook of the meal and headed home electing not to 'get our dance on at 9 pm' as announced. Sunday morning brought a breakfast buffet of eggs benedict, scrambled eggs and a egg and bacon muffin which kept yours truly busy. The teacher daughter entertained with stories of the grade P/1 classroom adventures before they headed back to their city nest.
Monday was a pajama day here where I finished The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo and began The Girl Who Played with Fire. Just wanting to find some time to watch the movie of the first book as my summer neighbour kindly loaned it to me. The rest of my afternoon was spent being a widows champion by providing assistance to one of my neighbours who was recently left on her own - the bureaucracies of government and business do not help out the vulnerable. And speaking of funerals I attended another visitation for a friend's sister-in-law on Tuesday evening. Am unfortunately getting to be a regular at the funeral home. There were lots of folks I hadn't seen in years all sharing stories so a bit of closure. Especially nice as I was unable to attend the service on Wednesday due to an all day union meeting.
I elected not to travel to the regional location to meet face to face for the union/management session so instead headed in to my workplace to phone teleconference. This turned out to be an error in judgment as I stared at the speaker phone for six hours in total, was shuffled room to room as the board room was to be used for a luncheon for 14 due to physician recruitment, got caught by the Nurse Manager who begged me to do a LN (I am weak - so much for unbroken days off) and rushed around to do the errands I'd planned before I headed back in. My situation was noticed by one of the kitchen staff who asked "what is that woman doing sitting in that room talking to herself all day?" so that should explain how much of a loser gig it was.
The LN last night was reasonable but I was too tired - when the patients notice and comment you are really looking haggard! I did have a short chat with a former work team mate who is headed north to Iqaluit to a position I referred him to - I am so jealous! I promised to call Sunday evening for all the details as he readies himself for the transition. I found myself fighting to stay awake on the drive home which is something I have generally mastered though.
I fell into bed for six hours of shuteye to manage the turnaround as I work a day shift in the a.m. and didn't want to miss too much of the beautiful afternoon - which I spent on the deck with my reading materials. Did manage to pull off laundry, brown bread, rhubarb pie and readying the house for the cleaning lady tomorrow as well. Had a chat with the western daughter as I crawled out of the nest and yes now that the shore captain has finally gotten himself together and booked his tickets we are getting excited for our vacation - Beach Boys concert, visiting family and friends and even a side trip north for a couple of days. Since I have the month of October off I will even have time to recuperate from the vacation before heading back to work.
And speaking