On my days off - which begin in about 30 minutes - I'm planning lots of social activities such as a union meeting/wedding shower which will be an overnighter, supper with friends, scrapbooking evening, errands day in town and perhaps if I'm feeling strong enough taking in the staff meeting which is booked. The list of topics for discussion looks long and rather fraught with tension so.....we shall see.
All in all the night went very well. We were entertained by one of the paramedics who I had not seen for 20 years or so who just happened to be working in our local area this night who was telling us about his trips north to do medevacs and his trip to Tanzania to see the Serengeti and plan to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Not a bad response when somone asks you what your up to eh?
Speaking of trips, if you would like to travel vicariously here is a great blog which highlights Corsica:
Ahh, definitely got to go on the bucket list. Or how about these travel photo contest winners I found on Twitter:
Or how about writing the costs off for taxes, earning CMEs and having fun:
On May 22, 2011, Royal Caribbean's 5-star Allure of the Seas will depart from Fort Lauderdale and visit ports in the Western Caribbean. CME sessions will be led by one of the nation's leading diabetes experts, Condit Steil, Pharm.D., CDE and will focus on diabetes management. The Allure is the largest cruise ship ever built, an amusement park on water that is ideal for families
Okay, time to stop drooling now.