Monday, December 24, 2007

One more sleep

Just time for a quick holiday update before I head off to bed thinking how nice it is that I’m not heading to work in the a.m. The offspring have been busy with social lives ranging from cantatas to concerts to just hanging out with friends. I’ve been content to just try and get things under control here. The tree was finally up and decorated by Saturday a.m. as we had the ‘in-laws’ party at our place last evening and it went well. We fed about 30 with both creamed lobster and turkey supper. With our hectic lives it is the only time that some of us get to see each other.

This morning I had a call from the nursing home saying Mom had fallen early in the morning and now was not weight bearing and was saying that she’d broken her hip so they were going to call and take her over to the Emergency Dept. at the hospital. I told them to let me know if someone needed to sit with her, as it would leave them short staffed at the Manor to stay with her. A while later the RN phoned back to say that the ER was really busy and wondering if I could stay with Mom. Since daughter #2 had my car in town, I phoned her and had her stay (good to have a proxy) during the wait for the Dr., then to x-ray where they couldn’t get a clear picture and finally sent back to the Manor on bed rest and Tylenol for the overnight and back for another x-ray tomorrow. There was talk of an ‘old fracture’ on the x-ray as goodness knows how many unwitnessed falls there’ve been - they are really good to watch her but she is determined to do her own thing. So plans are still up in the air but I’ll head in tomorrow to check out the situation. Just in case a trip to a regional facility to have ortho surgery is in the works I managed to get my act together with the stocking stuffers, dessert for tomorrow’s supper etc. It’s unlikely that anything would be booked with the holidays looming but…

The shore captain is just that now as he landed the remainder of his traps yesterday. Earliest they’ve been on the banking for quite a while. He’s certainly not alone in giving it up as his brother said last night “when I left the wharf yesterday it could’ve gone either way, bring them in or leave them out for a few more storms” Mister’s planning to buy some lobsters in the morning and should be finished by noon.

We’re planning our family Christmas tomorrow evening which is a return to the times when before we had children, we were working shift work and there was no reason to get up early Christmas morning in the harsh light of day to open presents. It was nice to light a fire in the fireplace and relax while opening stockings. Now since some of the gang are set up in their own households it makes sense to start some new traditions. It’ll also mean a more relaxing Christmas day for us here.

So my wish is that you should have a wonderful Christmas filled with peace, joy, family and friends. It appears with a forecast of heavy rain that the white Christmas we were looking to have will disappear.