Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wonderful week

Well a very quick update as I need to 'get braced' for the week ahead especially as it begins with Monday and Tuesday each spent in the district facility.

Last week was a very full one. I attempted to excavate the spare/youngest daughter's bedroom (depending on how you classify it) so the friend from my former work life could have a place to lay her head. I transplanted some herbs to pots and impatients into cut down barrels which have become plantars, took the car to the garage to the tune of $706 and as it was pay day there was also the laying in of provisions. So I was most pleased when the friend made it as far as Liverpool to be picked up by 2 p.m. on Friday afternoon meaning I had to leave work a bit early. Not difficult to find some justification when the additional hours are calculated from last month.

We spent a busy weekend of yard sales, mostly to outfit the baby daughter but some excellent finds por moi - six mugs and a rack, dishes , Frenchy shopping - a knapsack for Cuba travel, blue sandals and more but I'm beyond remembering now after the cooking, packing and dispatching of offspring. The visit with the friend was, as expected too short but we've vowed to meet centrally and visit a former colleague in northern NS this summer so the road trip will be something to look forward to. The house is empty and...quiet so good night.