Saturday, May 26, 2012

No shoddy dogwalkers here

So, the computer is apparently virus free as the shore captain retrieved it and even reconnected it again in the man cave but....since I am sitting in Pearson Airport in Toronto I am using my netbook. Just finished a club sandwich and sweet potato fries in the effort to keep myself awake. Worked three - 12 hour nights and didn't sleep today at all. Seemed like a good idea when I planned the flight but....

I felt a bit guilty leaving the dog on her run but I passed the dogwalker on her bike (a recently retired coworker) so I know she'll have lots of attention. She dropped down the other evening to meet the dog as I was all for leaving a note but as she said "what kind of shady dogwalking business do you think I run?" The dog will of course walk with anyone who picks up the leash so it's a moot point. It was a drizzly day so without the farewell canine walk on my part I was actually able to get home from work, do the final prep and out the door for the drive to the airport in an hour. Uneventful commute / check in and thank goodness for earplugs, neck pillow and an airplane nap.

Yesterday when I arose from my day of slumber to see if the garage had checked out my high mileage vehicle I was pleased to learn that the sensor was likely age related and to just "keep an eye on it" so I started making plans as to how I would retrieve my wheels. This meant I needed a ride to the main highway to meet coworkers but....I received a call at 5 pm from the life partner advising that he was heading home shortly as he had to meet the Exec Director of his fishing association as there was a meeting in town. Only problem with this turn of events was the timing as he needed to be there at 5:30 p.m. I have to meet coworkers at 6:20 or so and the boy captain was no where to be found. Mister suggests that he'll go up to the road early so I can get ready. Only problem with this idea as it turned out was that the Exec Director being very familiar with his tardiness had quoted a 5:30 time as she knew he wouldn't show until at least 15 min. later. So there I am sitting in the truck at the main road  - in my pajamas, needing a shower, nothing to eat and still have to get home and remedy all of the aforementioned in 10 minutes. As you can guess I wasn't a happy camper. Himself at one point says "I can get out and wait, the bugs aren't that bad". I replied with just 'a look' so he remained still. Finally his ride arrives and she puts the window down to chat but....I can't figure out how to get the window down or open the door in the truck as I rarely drive it, let alone have no time or patience to be sociable so I just drive away. My mother would not have been impressed with those lack of social skills.

The night was....interesting as most of them are with my penchant for attracting unusual situations - which is the case in my life generally. Certainly not boring. I will only be back to work my two night shifts and we're off on a business trip (for him) shopping (for her) to Portland and Boston. So not much whining about work required.

It is a rather frantic time of year with it being the last week of our lobster season and all. On some levels nice to be removed from it. This was a rough week however as the shore captain received a call from one of the companies he exports to and there were $10,000 worth of dead lobsters in the shipment he sent the first of the week. He thinks it was a combination of very warm water temperatures, added fresh water from a huge rainfall in the seawater which reduces oxygen in the water, long warm commute on the transport and perhaps some stressed lobsters which started the die off. He has never had more than an occasional dead lobster in the 23 years he has been shipping crustaceans. He is putting in a chiller in the tankhouse so the longer term solution is at hand was a discouraging day. He's bounced back now again as of course fishermen, and seafood businessmen have to be eternal optimists.

I am heading on to meet my colleague in Montreal for the conference and hopefully avoid the student protests which have been going on for months now. They can be as upset as they wish as long as it doesn't interfere with my plans. Actually I am having trouble drumming up a great deal of sympathy as they have some of the lowest tuition in the country and we have the highest. But at any rate it sounds as if the situation is being resolved somwhat.

Soon time to board and so I am off. Details on the parasites later.