Well, a tired hello as it's 10 p.m. here and I have an arm long 'to do' list still. That's because I traveled to the Valley and back (500 km return) for a session on the computer system we use for patient information (a very complicated subject) with folks in my job category for three districts - many personalities, many different opinions, I'll just leave it at that shall I? I managed to squeeze in a short visit to my birthday twin (and her fur child Springer) and see her house after a quick trip to Frenchy's for cruise wear (and a hooded sweatshirt for the man of the house so he wouldn't feel left out) and then the errand running at Canadian Tire. If you say you're traveling anywhere in NS (or beyond) that man can instantly come up with an errand to be run. Today it was cartridges for his respirator (don't want anymore of those brain cells getting killed with the fiberglas resin than necessary) and waterproofing spray for the canvas vent covers for the boat which I sewed last weekend. I managed to score a suitcase from the flyer for $7 which is a wheeled carry on bag - yeehaw! That little detour put me right on track to connect with a whiteout just 20 minutes away as I hurried home - it was like the flight deck of the Star Ship Enterprise - no visibility, guessing the shoulders of the road and 60 km maximum. I was needing to be home for 8 pm.. to participate in a two hour teleconference for my online course. Arggh. Shaping up to be a great drive to Yarmouth in the a.m. - can't wait.
It's been good to hear from some blog readers and realize that my words are being read from South America, the US, western Canada and all parts of the Maritimes. Small world eh?