Although there was an early start to the day it included a good trip (with a chance for us to chat) to Church Point in time for daughter # 2 to attend her first class. Lots of phone calls to catch up on my absence from work (can't wait to find out how many emails are lying in wait for me) and a general orientation session for new employees. So busy but manageable. Not as much fun being back at work today as on vacation - funny about that eh? But I survived and it is one day closer to ...departure.
I managed to pick up an exercise mat when I traveled near a Superstore today. I've discovered that I have to store it in the closet with the door shut because the cats think I bought it for them as a new claw spa. In keeping with the fitness theme I'll share a website which my fitness instructor / sadist recommended where you can put in your food intake, exercise etc. and it computes you're tally etc, it's really good but I'm NOT sharing my journal with the public - who would want to advertise their dietary indescretions to the world? Guess you'd have to be perfect (or dishonest) in your choices:
And as well the need for all the exercise as per Maxine:

Tonight I had a teleconference class for the infection control course I'm doing. This involves 45+ students and the prof dialing into a group discussion for at least an hour. There is a review of the general topic, case studies and exams - on a complex subject - and lots of interaction from across North America. Now these teleconferences for some reason cause every fishermen, fish dealer or neighbour that is even remotely acquainted with him to call Tim during this time. And if there is no answer or they receive a voice mail message they hang up and immediately dial back repeatedly. This causes me (tonight it was 4 times) to have to go with headset on mute to search out the object of their attentions, take the cell phone (in this case mine as mister had once again left his in the truck up by the barn) and point to the number on the screen of the portable phone (usually accompanied by my scowling face) because they are if nothing else... persistent and it's really difficult to participate in the class while I'm losing large spaces of it to call waiting 'beeps' They must be able to sense it's a bad time to call because the phone will not ring for a whole evening if I don't have a teleconference. Won't miss that part of it either!
Anyway, time to hit the hay to rest up for all that fun and excitement waiting for me tomorrow. Hasta manana.