The fashion consultant leant her opinions (and boy does she have definite ones) on the travel wardrobe. Now for those of you without a teenage daughter in the house at present, let me tell you the consult was a bit of a exercise in flaying my self-esteem. For example (and this from someone who's generation has not only enhanced the 70s color combos but allowed pink and red together for example) she says "how many times do I have to tell you that you cannot wear pink and blue together?" Where was I when the fashion police made this decree? I keep up on current events, read the paper every day, check online breaking news - who says it's is not correct to place these hues in proximity? To avoid a walk out by the consultant and since I have no idea if this is in fact true (I am uncool enough to know I am) I capitulated. And to her credit for some of the choices I made, the critic just rolled her big brown eyes, sighed and said "well if you don't have anything else that will have to do" or "I don't like that but I guess you do" We actually scored a couple of agreements along the way and so the packing list was completed. I hauled out (and measured) the suitcases and started organizing some stacks of clothing. Only 12 more days to departure - but who's counting eh?
Not sure why I'm concerned with the wardrobe when there is a large blotch on the side of my face which has to do some healing before I look fantastic in my outfits. But it does feel MUCH better and that's the best part.
The travel partner and I have had several cryptic email exchanges for example, whether I need to surreptiously pack the small binoculars which mister fancies, which shore excursions look good - I assured her my goal is to check out The Pines Retirement Home in Georgetown, Grand Cayman - beyond that I'm agreeable to whatever (not planning to say one thing and then pout because I didn't really mean that and you should know - more like spousal behavior there) and we decided she would bring the travel alarm clock as we don't want to miss anything!
I spoke to a friend today and as we were chatting her husband was heard in the background nattering about the state of the kitchen etc. and then he starts about a pot "just leave that" my friend says mildly but he continues to yabber on about the pot and how it will never come clean etc. So she just lets him go on (she has a very easy going personality) as he scrubs (to keep him busy) until it becomes apparent that he is trying to resurrect the pot as a cooking implement. "I'm going to throw that out" she says calmly to him but he continues so she says to me "it's an old pot and I was practicing dyeing wool for my rug hooking class and I forgot the stuff in there and it burned on - what a smell so I'm chucking it" Although I thought this was hilarious, I was concerned that possibly dual retirement might look like this. Maybe I'm not ready for it yet. Even on a Sunday night when I'm facing the daily grind tomorrow, I have to ask myself ... could I manage (without being imprisoned) this kind of domestic interaction? Since the answer is.. not yet - the work week calls me.