For example, I had to leave early to be at the district facility handling the situation at my home base on the cell phone on the way up – memo to self to pick up a hands free attachment as our provincial law in changing April 1st about cell phone use. I sorted out the crises du jour which involved a run to pharmacy for vaccine, attended a meeting, did some office work for two of my colleagues, responded to the in house calls and finally managed to make it down to Mental Health (it was hard to answer no when they asked if I was checking in) to pick up the stoneware crock I won in the silent auction last week, went shopping at the book display for a cookbook (as if I need another one of those but I can’t pass them by) and then headed home.
I’ve spent the evening attempt to polish the submission to DFO. I say attempting as the author of the document had a foggy brain from the head cold, which slowed the process even more. Hard to capture what someone wants to say when they don’t know how to say it.
I noticed that my cruise travel partner of last spring has headed out to Calgary to begin her studies for flight attendant. She was telling me that 84,000 people per year apply to WestJet and they take 25 so those are pretty slim odds for most. The only other person she’d seen again and who would be going out west with her was someone named Gus. When I asked what his claim to fame was she said, “he speaks five languages” Oh, is that all?
I had an unexpected email from a nursing school classmate who lives in BC that I haven’t seen for almost 10 years. She’s flying out for a visit so we will all get together for some catching up. Nice surprise.
There was no call from the appliance store about an oven today as promised so the man has his instructions…either come home tomorrow with an oven or don’t show up. Accidents do happen but a month in this household is a long time without an oven and we are expecting a houseful this weekend who would like to have shake n bake chicken and lemon meringue pie.