Sunday, March 9, 2008


Well since the life partner spent enroute from delivering baby daughter to her NB bound ride I was left with a few hours of a Sunday to myself. Can’t remember the last non-vacation time this happened. Now mind you, the three loads of laundry, load of dishes and general puttering qualify this as ‘time to myself’ but…the inability to bake due to lack of oven does have this upside as I celebrate a belated International Women’s Day on Saturday.

In my online meandering I’ve found a quirky travel site:

it plays to a generation I’ve added to with titles such as Hostel Sex: A Practical Guide (which those of a mature age might want to skip) but it did mention a link to an Amazon Kindle:

Which although I don’t plan to purchase in the next little while as it needs some of the glitches worked out, costs too much, doesn’t have the title selection I’d like, and I don’t really buy a lot from Amazon not to mention that it seems to be available in the U.S. versus Canada while being a bit weird yet, it holds promise as a future traveling companion.

As well there are links to foreign language which are a bit less painful than some of the Spanish texts I’ve collected over the years without opening. And definitely more fun than studying anything remotely connected to my day job! The male Spanish voice emanating from the laptop speakers took the animals by surprise. If only we had a high-speed internet connection so I could actually do it! Yes, yes I know – no whining, not even about returning to work tomorrow.