Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind don't matter and people who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss
Not a bad quote for an outspoken old nurse like myself. A co-worker told me years ago when I was complaining about being attacked for having and voicing an opinion that “if you have a big mouth you’d better have broad shoulders” When I thought about it I realized that since I couldn’t keep my opinions to myself then I would have to accept that not everyone would agree with me and…so what?
I’m posting the o

nline photo I found of the rather nondescript town I drove 540 km return to and from today for a presentation at the Wandlyn Inn. The 5 hrs of driving were in addition to a 2 hr. meeting with a side trip to Frenchy’s - got to have my small pleasures. I felt like I’d traveled to the tropics as it was foggy, drizzly, cool at 10c and windy here all day yet it was sunny, warm at 25c, with the air conditioner on when I arrived in Coldbrook. The apple blossoms were even blooming up there.

As for the positives…the sandwiches were ok and the cookies were right out of the oven. I’m sounding like the # 1 son here when I describe an event by the food. He used to go to birthday parties when young and when he climbed back into the van would say “it was great they had pizza and ice cream cake” not a word about who was there, the games they played, what the gifts were or anything about the house etc. One time when he was about 8 yrs old I picked him up from a birthday party where the whole class was invited and he was the only male guest, and apparently the entertainment, as the girls were watching him eat his 14th hot dog and cheering him on.
One good thing about today was that I didn’t have to give any vaccinations. Tomorrow promises a job site meeting for the renovation we are undergoing at work, several employees who have warned me they are looking for me and the usual fun and excitement of immunization land. Can’t wait.
However, am off to meet my travel partner and have our photos taken for publicity shots tomorrow night. You just never know when those might be necessary - famous author, speaking tour - the side of milk carton if life gets any more stressful as a grown up.