We're into the final stretch here with last minute exam cramming - believe it or not I knew a thing or two about political science - as well as parties, work, hair appointments, photos, prom, grad and that doesn't include all the mundane things like work for me (have to head to the Valley again tomorrow for the day) fishing for the # 1 son and getting the boat ready to go for the shore captain. The possibility of a visit from # 2 daughter this weekend as well as next week for her sister's graduation. Promises to be life in the fast lane.
Today was a blur at work. One of the more colorful situations was when I was explaining to a coll

Since I now think I'm going to recover from my cold, I've started making more long range plans than one day at a time, for example - what's the weather this weekend?. I sound worse now as it's settled in my sinuses so I find that folks are more sympathetic. Much better.